Collaborative Special Education Advocacy

Tips and strategies to get the education your child with disabilities deserves.

No More "That Parent" Club

Published: Tue, 09/20/22

Problems With Being “That Parent”That Parent has different connotations depending on who is saying it. If a teacher is talking about That Parent they…

When I was wrong again...

Published: Wed, 09/14/22

Being That Parent does not mean you have to read the state special education manual.Being That Parent does not mean you have to understand what needs…

Paras Do Well When They Can

Published: Tue, 09/06/22

There are some things we have control over and other things we don't. One thing we have control over is how much we show our appreciation for…

Published: Thu, 09/01/22

Working With Paraprofessionals Use this link for our live show today. Facebook made some recent changes and I want to make sure you have the direct…

I was surprised by this number

Published: Wed, 08/31/22

Are you a numbers person?I'm not if it has anything to do with Algebra.I take numbers, especially education data with a grain of salt because I often…


Published: Tue, 08/23/22

Yikes, a link that isn't working.I apologize. The link I had in my newsletter I sent out this morning did not have an accessible link to view The Ties…

Disjointed IEPs Are Outdated And Need To Go

Published: Tue, 08/23/22

Disjointed IEPs = Disjointed Pull-Out Services Click on the video above to see the replay. For too long, we have been writing disjointed IEPs because…

Say Goodbye to Disjointed IEPs

Published: Thu, 08/18/22

For too long, we have been writing disjointed IEPs because of the common and outdated practice of acting as separate entities instead of like a well-…

Social Justice Should Be a Verb

Published: Thu, 08/11/22

We all want the best education for our children, and what does that look like? Do classrooms mirror the society we want to live in? Too often, people…

A Change-Marker You Are

Published: Sun, 08/07/22

Creating and sustaining inclusive schools and districts that are equitable for all learners is what we want. Our country has spent millions of dollars…

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