Viddyoze 2.0 Update #1

Published: Sat, 06/25/16

Hey gang! seems my planning document for this special Case Study
has taken on a life of it's own. As I work on slaying the beast down
to the really useful stuff, here's a quick & dirty update:

1. Pre-launch video #2 from the Viddyoze guys is up:

2. I created a new Sample Video:
==> Viddyoze 2.0 Sample 1

Notes on this video for the Case Study:
3. Dynamic Video Transitions

In the pre-launch video #2, Joey demonstrates what they call a Dynamic Video Transition called Breakthrough Title. I created a "generic" version of this effect clip to use in my YouTube End Slates to encourage folks to "Watch The Next Video". You can download it for free to use yourself here:
* Download ==> Breakthrough Watch Next Video Clip

I'll create a tutorial on how to use it soon but I think most of you can figure it out...stay tuned.

TIP: With the Developer License, I could sell this to you. ;-)

4. Case Study Item: The Victory Bonus

In the Big Dog Strategy, Take Away #9 is called the Victory Bonus. For the Viddyoze Launch, the guys have added a Promo Contest Bonus of $2,000 for "The Best Bonus Offered"...

Well then! It seems that making sure I have the best bonus not only gits the strategy, but has a nice little ROI boosting...bonus. You can bet there will be LOTS of big bundles of crap like video backgrounds, royalty-free music, unrelated junk, etc. offered by others. Big Dogs make them relevant and useful. Here's my current thinking:
I'd love to hear your thoughts of if you think this is a good bonus?

That's it for today. Much more coming so stay tuned...

Have a great weekend,

Lon Naylor

Hit REPLY with any questions, comments, suggestions!