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Published: Sat, 04/24/21

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The Prophecy of Freialen by Ashlee Lynn

For Freialen, life just got more complicated.

Born into a magical world, Freialen never understood how chaotic her life was about to become. Being both the daughter of Odin, a Norse God, and having a mother with powerful witch bloodlines, Freialen was destined for greatness.

Only now, she must leave Asgard, the only home she has ever known, and embark on a dangerous journey to gain her true powers and the destiny that awaits her with her fated mates.

To make matters worse, a battle is brewing and causing unexpected enemies. Desperate to find her mates and her powers, Freialen will stop at nothing to succeed.

Targeted Age Group:: Adult

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I love Norse Mythology and elemental witchcraft stories. I thought, why not combine them both?!

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
Freialen is a character I can relate to. She is a bit unsure of herself yet, she is going to prove just how strong she is. A heroine that is humble and strong is always fun to read, so I wanted to write her like that as well.

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Stone Cold by Karina Kantas

Stone Cold by Karina Kantas

If being bullied through every school Billy went to wasn’t enough, being attacked in her own home just pushed her over the edge.
Now severely depressed and suicidal, Billy takes matters into her own hands and sees a counsellor.
After just one session, she’s now on her way to Scotland as a volunteer to help the Professor of Edinburgh university, dig and clean up an archaeological site that has just been discovered.

Although she tries to shy away from the others, not wanting them to find a reason to dislike her, she’s soon accepted as one of them. Without realising it’s happening, she becomes closer to Shane, a motocross enthusiast who has taken her under his wing.

However, whilst working at the site, Billy comes across an unusual stone. She takes it to the Professor to be looked at, but he dismisses it as a pendant probably dropped by a hiker and so threads the stone with a black leather cord and gives it back to Billy.
Only the peace they once had, the friendships they had all formed, gets tested as bodies start to pile up.

Targeted Age Group:: YA
Heat/Violence Level: Heat Level 3 – PG-13

What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
It's very biographic. Some of the situations in the book are my own experience.

How Did You Come up With Your Characters?
The characters are based on real people. Just the names have been changed to protect the (not so innocent).

Book Sample
The second time she found herself huddled in a corner of a small broom cupboard. Again, she had no recollection of how she got there, especially as the last thing she remembered was sitting down at the dinner table eating and drinking with the others. Imagine her surprise, and fear, to suddenly discover being in a dark cupboard as though no time had passed at all. That episode freaked her out. Billy wanted to ask someone if she said or did anything strange at dinner, but of course she didn’t dare to inquire.
What really concerned her was the third occasion where she misplaced time. She was standing over the sink washing plates and thinking of nothing in particular, when, in the next instant, she tasted a rusty, iron flavour inside her mouth that could only have been blood. When she pulled her hands out of the cold, soapy water she noticed they were dyed with caked blood. Billy quickly wiped her mouth, but neither her teeth nor lips were bleeding. She searched the bottom of the sink but couldn’t find any broken pieces of china or sharp knives that could have cut her hands. In fact, Billy couldn’t find any evidence of any cuts at all. Hastily, she scrubbed off the blood and finished the washing up, almost in a daze as she tried to reason out what had happened. It was a mystery that couldn’t be solved by Billy alone; but she wasn’t about to involve anyone else, especially as she assumed the others were already questioning her sanity.
The night terrors continued. On a couple of occasions, the other girls in the dorm woke her. Billy apologized profusely, blaming it on something she ate. Still, it never got to the stage where she was too scared to sleep. Although her dreams were traumatic, they were also strangely comfortable. It was as though another was sharing her experiences; she was not alone, and it eased the loneliness that had been in her waking life for so long now.

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