To a Happy, Healthy, and Abundant 2018!

Published: Thu, 02/01/18


Hello ,

I pray all of your holiday celebrations were happy and healthy!

2017 was a wonderful year full of so many wonderful experiences, challenges and growth opportunities. Highlights include the production for the Orgena Rose Show (now in its 5th season), and for our Divine Messengers the pre-launch of The Divine Spirit Network, the completion of my new song Be The Change, and so many opportunities to speak or sing at inspiring events.

As you know, I began the Orgena Rose Show with one goal in mind, to "shine a light on those letting their light shine". I thank you because I began it with you in mind to share your voice, your story, and the beautiful work you're doing in the world!

This past year I went deeper and more in the direction of the vision I was given for the show at the very beginning, including topics people may be afraid to discuss, artists, and music. I am so grateful for the time I’ve been able to spend with and interviewing the most amazing, talented and inspiring guests.

But there was one other part of the vision I was given shortly after… this one REALLY blew me away! Not just to produce my show, but… to produce other amazing Light Workers, Healers, Creatives and Conscious Entrepreneurs, Artists, Changemakers, Transformational Leaders, and BUILD a network! God truly had to do some major shifting in me. In 2017 I was able to fully step into this vision and make it a reality! The Divine Spirit Network is here and will have its official launch on January 19th at our Premiere and Gala! (See below for more details!)

The Divine Spirit Network is the transformational television network of healing, love and peace. You can watch these interviews and previews of the new shows here, with many more to be added:

"I just want to say thank you so much. This show is so much about the life we present to the world that can be very different than the life behind closed doors, so I want to thank everyone who broke their silence this year and spoke up about abuse and harassment. You are so brave and hopefully, shows like this, more will be made, so people out there who are feeling silenced by harassment, discrimination, abuse… time is up. We see you. We hear you. And we will tell your stories." - Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon so elegantly explained why a platform like The Divine Spirit Network is needed. Some of our stories are not glamorous or easy to share but now is the time to speak your truth. It is your time to be seen and be heard. In 2018 I promise to continue to help you tell and share your stories!

Can you relate?

There has also been a shifting in the world that needed to happen to help create the perfect conditions... things like the political climate (yes, this is a blessing as it has lit a fire under many of us to really step up, let our voices be heard and shine our light even brighter) as well as technology. Literally in just the last few years advances in technology have made it possible to actually have a network that will air on mainstream TV!

Our amazing team of award winning filmmakers, directors, and editors with shows on PBS and other networks have been working hard on our new network to be able to get your message out to the world in a bigger way!

In this new year, connect in a more powerful way with the Divine within you and let your light shine brighter than ever before!

Ready to become a Divine Messenger, be featured or have your own show on The Divine Spirit Network, Roku and other major networks?

Schedule your Visibility Breakthrough call today. I would love to answer any of your questions and help you get your message out in a much bigger way!

You can schedule a convenient time in my calendar here:

I am beyond excited for what 2018 will hold! Our team is in full force preparing for The Divine Spirit Network Premiere and Red Carpet Gala this month.

Want to learn more about The Divine Spirit Network? Join us in Los Angeles at the Premiere and Red Carpet Gala!

The Divine Spirit Network Premiere and Red Carpet Gala is on Friday, January 19th 6pm - 10pm in Los Angeles, CA. There will be the unveiling of the DSN 2018-2019 upfront programming slate, inspiring interviews, special guest artists performances, awards, networking and dancing!

Come and hear top artists who have been seen on The Voice, Family Crews, Transformers, Broadway, and performed with Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, and Beyonce!

Reserve Your Seat here!

* Dress: Black Tie

* Red Carpet and Cocktail Reception: 6 PM

* Doors open with dancing after: 7 – 10 PM

Can’t attend but would like to support the event? Spread the word to someone you believe would make a great Divine Messenger!

Make a donation!

If you are interested in being a sponsor for the event, please send an email to [email protected] and we will send out a packet to you!

A portion of all proceeds go to:


Days for Girls is dedicated to creating a more free, dignified, and educated world, through providing lasting access to feminine hygiene solutions and health education. Thus far, Days for Girls has reached over 800,000 women and girls. The global movement can reach them all, with your help.

Thank you for helping us to be the change and make this world a better place!

Wishing you a happy, healthy, and abundant 2018!

With Love and Light,