How Interactive Emails Will Change Marketing Forever

Published: Tue, 07/16/19

Email Marketing Tips
Email Marketing Tips and Best Practices: AWeber Blog
How Interactive Emails Will Change Marketing Forever

2019-07-16 17:08:39-04

The way marketers use email marketing is about to change forever. Emails have always been static. You send your subscribers fixed content, and they read it or click on it to go to a webpage or landing page. 

But on March 26, 2019, Google’s Product Manager Aakash Sahney announced AMP for Email. AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It allows email marketers to easily create emails that are interactive, not static. 

AWeber is the first small business email service provider to support the new AMP for Email technology. “Interactive email opens up amazing potential for marketers to engage and connect with subscribers in ways they've never been able to before,” says AWeber’s Technical Product Manager Dave Stys. And a recent study from Kapost found that interactive content drives 2x more conversions than static content.

Learn what interactive emails are and how you can use them in your email marketing below.

(Try AWeber free for 30 days and build your own interactive email.)

What are interactive emails?

Interactive emails are messages that your subscribers can click on to change or alter the content within the email itself — even after the message is delivered to the inbox. The content can also update each time they open the email. Interactive emails act like a webpage.

Interactive content allows you to send emails that are more engaging. You can include extra content in your emails without overwhelming subscribers, and your subscribers can interact with the email to get additional information if they need it. “It will open up the opportunity for email subscribers to engage with content without ever leaving their inbox,” AWeber’s Creative Director Chris Vasquez says.

Related: [On-demand webinar] How to Create Interactive Content with AMP for Email

5 examples of interactive content

1. Carousel

With a carousel, your subscribers can click to navigate through different images, products, or blog posts in your emails. If you have multiple pieces of content to display in your email, you can use a carousel to save space and enhance the design of your message.

2. Accordions

When a subscriber clicks on an accordion, a section of the email will expand to show more content. You can use accordions to give subscribers the option to see additional information within your email.

3. Sidebar

A sidebar is like a website or app navigation menu. If you’d like to give subscribers the option to navigate to different webpages, use a sidebar.

4. Bind

Do you need to display different content for different subscribers? Now, you can add buttons to your email to let subscribers completely alter the content within a message.

For example, your subscribers can change the language of your email.

5. Forms

Add a working email sign up form to your message. Your subscribers can sign up for a webinar, email list, or event directly from your message.

Use AWeber to build interactive emails.

AWeber is the first small business email service provider to support the new AMP for Email technology! 

You can follow these instructions to start building interactive emails inside AWeber today. 

Try AWeber free for 30 days and build your own interactive email.

Want to learn more about AMP for Email? Visit the AMP for Email site to get code samples and examples.

The post How Interactive Emails Will Change Marketing Forever appeared first on Email Marketing Tips.

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