Sweet Serenity Week 1, Soothing Stress with Adaptogens: Notes & Recordings

Published: Wed, 09/27/17

Heya, !

It's been sooooo wonderful to connect with you folks this week over the past couple of days. As promised, here's the information for the replay of the online class yesterday:
Some homework assignments for this week:
  • Survival Mode Assessment:  Take notice, over the next few days, how much time you spend in “Life is Worth Living / Rest & Digest Mode,” “Optimal Stress / On Point Mode,” “Survival Mode,” and “Burnout Mode.” Make a guess at percentages and write it down with the date in your journal.
  • Choose an adaptogen to start working with with for the course! You can choose two if you must, but no more than two, and get that plant into your body in some form 2-3 times a day. So, you could choose to do capsules or tinctures twice a day, or you could do powdered herbs in your morning smoothie and a milky drink in the evening, or a combination of any or all of those. 
  • Take a moment every morning and evening to notice and record how you feel. Write in your journal 3-5 words that capture it for you. We're doing this to get a loose running track record of how you're doing. Definitely jot down any changes that are taking place, even small ones!
  • Last but not least, please do join our Facebook Group and introduce yourself! This is also a great place to post questions, rideshare requests and offers, etc.
See you soon!