Feathered Pipe LOVEfest and FUNdraiser Event Reminder

Published: Wed, 12/15/21

If you have a chance on Saturday, Dec 18 at 10 am MST time (9 am Pacific/ 12 noon Eastern), please join Feathered Pipe’s ONLINE event: LOVEfest and FUNdraiser. We will have music, a Tibetan prayer at the Ranch stupa, a chat with Erich Schiffmann, and waving to friends. There is a fundraising component to help us reach our year-end fundraising goal (so far we are over half way there). It’s a free event and absolutely no obligation to donate for attendance.

I’d love to see you for a big virtual hug!

Register here to join if you can: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpcumtqD0oGtRLpvEEKUyG5sVYaN6jSJvb

Here is more about the event: https://featheredpipe.com/feathered-pipe-blog/feathered-pipes-lovefest-fundraiser/

Please let friends know too who may be interested. Hope to see you.

With gratitude,
Crystal Water
Feathered Pipe Foundation