Birthday Blessings: Update on India's Health

Published: Sat, 09/07/19


Dearest All,

September 4: With India celebrating her birthday today, she wishes to share an update with you who are so dear to her and have expressed such heart-felt thoughts and prayers for her health and well-being.

First we want to give our deepest appreciation for all those who have made this season of summer retreats one of our most successful in many, many years! Almost every program was full to the brim with returning alumni and guests new to the Feathered Pipe. The weather remained mild with plentiful rain keeping the forest and meadows lush with green even into late August. We could not have asked for more in the midst of what has been incredibly stressful and emotionally exhausting for all of India's family and extended family of friends. Thank you, from the depths of our collective heart. We could not have made it without your love, prayers and support.

Surprisingly India's physical body has remained quite strong so far, even showing some improvement this past week. She sits in silence most of the time drifting between sleep and meditation. There is an incredible sense of peace in the house that seems to envelop all. Early on, India expressed that she has no fear of death and that it feels good to be able to look at this life's journey with no regret and with resentment towards no one. For some days, India seemed focused on letting go of the attachments she had to others and those things that bound others to her. She now spends much of her time in her dreams and the in-between world, making sense of any discord that remains, and finding deep rest. It truly appears that India is fully taking to heart all that was taught and practiced during her time with Sathya Sai Baba, during all the miraculous summers at the Ranch. She is moving with The River unobstructed, wherever it flows.

India's dear friend and physician Dr. Gwen Pincomb has written a very inspired appraisal of India's current state. Feel free to read here. We thank you all for the many prayers and thoughts offered throughout these past few months. We would ask again that you refrain from sharing this information on social media and that you would continue to hold both India and her family in the most gentle embrace within your hearts.

All is well, All always will be well.

Faith & Gratitude,
Feathered Pipe Family