Fan Bike Protocols - Add Mitochondrial Density

Published: Fri, 06/25/21

Functional Strength
Hello from Functional Strength!

This week's update shares how to amp your cardio effort using a fan bike. We have developed specific protocols for the fan bike to maximize the use of all four limbs in the cardio effort.

One of our cardio mentors is Len Schwartz, who invented HeavyHands. He did extensive research on how to generate high VO2 max states using implemented cardio. This hybrid cardio melds aerobics with strength training and in doing so reconfigures working muscles by adding mitochondrial density. Len described this as "Long Strength."

We have discovered that we can recreate this muscular stress using a fan bike. Fan bike training drills enable a trainee to stress one, two, three or all four limbs individually or together, forwards or backwards. The cardio effort can be "shuttled" around the body in a very strategic and calculated fashion. This means that the body can be taken to failure in every limb. This level of intensity is where muscular gains lie and mitochondrial density is increased. 

Take a read of our recent article giving step by step instructions on how to execute these protocols. 

fan bike

If you have any questions please click here. For more information on cardio techniques and tactics click on our Cardiovascular Training Resource page. Follow Us using the icons below.


Stacy Gallagher
Get Strong! Live Long!