Four Pillars of Transformative Fitness | A Multidimensional Approach

Published: Sat, 07/24/21

Functional Strength
Hello from Functional Strength!

Let us do something rarely done in fitness; let us speak philosophically. What are we doing and why are we doing it? Why are we exercising and dieting? Why are we lifting weights, performing cardio and eating with discipline? Why do we spend money at GNC? Why do we pay personal trainers to train us? Why are fad diet books huge sellers? Why has fitness grown into a three billion dollar per year industry? What is driving all this?

I would suggest that there is a single unifying motivation: to transform the human body. Transformation is a primal and intuitive urge. We seek to transform, from what we are into what we want to become. As Albert Camus once observed, “Man is the only animal that refuses to be what he is.” Man seeks to better himself, psychologically and physically. I would posit that all diet and fitness-related efforts are designed to spark a radical physical transformation.

How do we define a radical physical transformation? What are the characteristics of the final finished product? Are there irreducible goals that can define physical transformation? You have successfully transformed if somehow, someway you obtain…


Anyone that somehow manages to significantly increase their quotient of lean muscle mass and significantly decrease their body fat percentile undergoes a complete physical makeover. Any athlete is made light years better, regardless the sport, if they manage to find a way in which to somehow become significantly more muscular and far leaner.

We use the modifier ‘significantly’ repeatedly because minor fluctuations and infinitesimal change is not what motivates us: in our mind’s eye we see our final finished product, a physically transformed body. If the internal vision is strong enough it causes us to convert mental visualizations in action. Mild, slight, barely noticeable transformations are no transformation at all: we seek mind-blowing improvements in physique and performance.

Once we have successfully defined what a physical transformation is, we can create protocols designed to attain the total makeover. Performance in all athletic activities is automatically improved if the athlete is made bigger, stronger and leaner. Any health issue is made better when we successfully engineer a makeover.

This requires that four interralated disciplines be practiced systematically and simultaneously. These are the transformational levers of progress. 


Goals, short-term and long-term, are established within each of the four disparate disciplines. Goals are then set into time frames and weekly mini-goals are reverse-engineered within each category. Periodized templates are typically 8 to 16 weeks in length with 12 weeks being the average.

Below is a sample 8 week template of a 200 pound man needing to lose 12 pounds of body fat while simultaneously adding 40 lbs to his deadlift.

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Leanness is attained by, first and foremost, eating correctly: protein and fiber are the nutritional backbone, the constants, fat and starch carbs are manipulated downward. All junk food, sweets, sodas, fast food, beer, wine, etc. are deleted.

Cardio needs to be intense and sweaty: Intense cardio can take many forms; it accelerates the metabolism, flushes blood through arteries and burns calories at an accelerated rate. Power nutrition is combined with intense cardio and hardcore weight training. Hold steady and perfect for 8 weeks and the depth and degree of results will stun you.

Protein intake: Protein is systematically increased, nearly doubled over eight weeks. This increase supports muscle gain in the face of decreasing calories. Meeting bodyweight goals is easy the first few weeks and incredibly difficult the last two.

By following this multidimensional approach the human body is transformed becoming lighter and more athletic. In addition health and stamina are improved. For more information on how to combine these components to create your own personalize plan. Take a read.

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Stacy Gallagher
Get Strong! Live Long!