FREE Download | How to Overcome Habit Force - Mental Psyche

Published: Wed, 08/11/21

Functional Strength
Hello from Functional Strength!

I coined the phrase "Brain Train" to describe recalibrated mental modes and methods that focus and sharpen the mind and thus improves the quality of the individual workout. In the world of transformational fitness, success is achieved when the trainee obtains measurable results. These results manifest as improvements in physique and performance. Adding a significant amount of new muscle and reducing body fat to a dramatic degree automatically improves performance, regardless the sport or benchmark. 

Periodization is preplanned programing. Periodized templates are road maps, a master plan used to engineer radical physical transformation. Sophisticated periodization intertwines three disparate disciplines: progressive resistance training, cardio training and power nutrition. Melded and molded into a singular strategy, these three disciplines create an overarching matrix that predicts our every training session and projects our every dietary adjustment.

The Mind powers the periodized process. The Mind can be the transformative acolytes best friend or worst enemy. Hardcore pros, men that have engineered dramatic transformations for themselves and their students, will tell you that an indispensable element critical for success is the ability to mentally recalibrate to improve workout performance. 

Commonly referred to as "psyche" hardcore pros will work themselves up into a purposeful state of extreme excitation as a way in whichto  elevate workout performance. A successfully psyched athlete improves workout performance by 10-25% over the same workout done by the same athlete in a non-psyched state.

A proper workout psyche is a tricky thing: too much psych invites technical sloppiness and too little psych is worthless. Just right psych is a learned skill that is mastered over time and with practice. Novice psychers need to be taught to not "pretend" psych. Real psych is so deep and so real that strictly through the power of a centered mind internal change occursas the Mind awakens the primal fight-or-flight response.

Strictly by focusing and exciting the Mind, hormones are secreted that kick-start the process. A top athlete psyches when attacking the "top sets" in on of the major lifts. A top athlete will also psych up to improve cardio workout performance. Proper psych improves the quality of any workout. Improved workout quality, obtained on a continual and ongoing basis, results in unimaginable gains in both physique and performance.

A proper psych can turn a bad workout into a good workout or a good workout into a great workout. Transformative success is built upon continual improvement. The duty of the hardcore athlete is to engage in a continual series of productive workouts. All good things spring from the ability to consistently conduct "quality" workouts.

I wanted to share a downloadable document combining two successful methods that I use - Shikantaza and Auto-visualization. Using Shikantaza an athlete becomes wordlessly focused, internally and externally silent. This opens a pathway to auto-visualization work that has established a vision for how the workout will unfold. Click on the cover below to take you to the download page.

purposeful primitive

For more information on my Mind Mentors - Jiddu Krishnamurti and Aladar Kogler, click on the link below to check out the following post.

how to focus the mind

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Stacy Gallagher
Get Strong! Live Long!