Juggling Sprinting & Resistance Training

Published: Fri, 08/27/21

Functional Strength
Hello from Functional Strength!

Sprinting and strength training go together like ham and eggs, fish & chips or Mick and Keith. Speed and strength are inexorably intertwined, two sides of the same coin. There can be no speed without strength: strength is used to overcome inertia; strength generates acceleration and adding strength improves all-out top end speed. Progressive resistance training has been an integral component of the elite sprinter’s training template for decades.

To go faster, become stronger. To go way faster, become way stronger. The event creates the physique and ergo, great sprinters are always muscled-up. Look at any international level sprinter and the distinguishing commonality, the identifying characteristic is leanness combined with a substantial amount of lean muscle mass, mostly in the legs and glutes.

The similarities between hardcore lifting and hardcore running are numerous. In both sprint training and strength training all-out bursts of energy and power, max efforts, are performed; it could be an all-out 40 yard sprint or an all-out set of high-bar squats. These short, super-intense efforts are interspersed with rest periods. Sprint sessions and hardcore lifting sessions are filled with multiple bursts of maximum effort. The goal (be it lifting or sprinting) is to exceed current best efforts.

Combining sprinting with strength training is smart, appropriate, and handled right can be incredibly effective. However, great care and attention need be paid to the construction of the training split. Weight training can destroy a sprint session. Trying to run all out on fatigued legs, glutes or low back muscles is ineffectual and a waste of time. It is also potentially injurious to run at 100% + of diminished capacity.

Creating the integrated strength/speed training template

Combining sprinting and weightlifting requires a subtle touch. The challenge is to design and create a non-conflicting training split. The eternal conflict for the hard runner that lifts hard is how to sequence heavy leg training (purposefully fatiguing calves, hips, thighs, lower back, abs) with sprinting?

Heavy back training (deadlifts, cleans, rows, heavy pulls) also stresses and fatigues legs, hips, and lower back. How does the athlete schedule sprint sessions so that they are not run on legs prefatigued by a heavy leg or back training? There is no sense attempting to sprint all out on fatigued legs or glutes. When creating the integrated strength training and sprint templates, first, design the two individualized systems.

Strength Training Split Questions

Session content: what exercises? sets? reps?
Session frequency: how often?
Session timing: what time of day?
Periodized: part of a larger plan?

Sprint Training Split Questions

Max effort frequency how many times a week sprinting at 100% +?
Content of non 100% sessions what is done on non 100% day?
Sprint session timing what time of day?
Periodized? stair-step speed imperceptibly upward?


Legs and back are trained hard once weekly. Are the legs and back trained on the same day or different days? If legs and backs are trained on different days, they should be placed at opposite ends of the training week. If legs are blasted on Sunday, then heavy back work should not be done until Wednesday or Thursday.

One Day Training Split
Sunday: Squat, bench press, deadlift, overhead press

Two Day Training Split
Squat, front squat, leg curls, calf raises
Bench press, triceps

Power clean, deadlift, Romanian deadlift
Overhead press, biceps

Three Day Training Split
Sunday: Squat, front squat, leg curls, calf raises

Wednesday: Bench press, arms (superset bis & tris)

Power clean, deadlift, Romanian deadlift
Overhead press


Strength and speed have many overlapping similarities. The way in which we improve our top end, all-out speed is to run when totally and completely rested. Highly trained, extremely fit sprinters might have multiple weekly all-out efforts in them. Sprinting can be subdivided…

For the all-around athlete looking to include some real running into his training template, start with one all-out sprint day a week. There are additional run drills, assistance exercises, protocols that are used to improve acceleration, technique, and conditioning - without conflicting with the development of top speed.

To run as fast as possible, that athlete needs to run on fresh legs. Can an athlete sprint, all out, the day after a body-crushing leg or back training session? No. Commonsense and decades of empirical experience tell us that running hard the day after and all-out leg or back training session is a real bad idea. You are running all-out on fatigued legs.

It gets complicated. If you are training legs and back on different days of the week, when, during the training week, is the body fresh enough to slip in an all-out sprint session. This is a thorny dilemma – how do you juggle the subtle balance between hard running and hard lifting? And do so in a way that optimizes both? What constitutes the ideal sprint training week and what constitutes the ideal strength training week? Can the two be combined without degrading workout performance?

Combined Strength/Sprint Weekly Training Template

Sunday: Leg training
Monday: Easy long run, 30-40 minutes, flush muscles of toxins & waste products, light, easy, fun
Tuesday: triple length sprints, eight sprints, 75% to 85% of 100% capacity
Wednesday: double length sprints, eight sprints, 85% to 95% of 100% capacity
Thursday: Back training – no running of any kind
Friday: easy, long run, 30-40 minutes, flush muscles of toxins & waste products, light, easy, fun
Saturday:  all out 100% all-out sprint day, eight sprints, 97% to 102% of 100% capacity


Make haste slowly. Sprinting, like hardcore lifting is violent and dangerous. Having said that, those that successfully meld effective resistance training with serious sprinting will take every aspect of their physical being to the next level of physique and performance.

For more information on cardio innovators and protocols, click on the links below.

Heavy Hand Len Schwartz     fan bike protocols     

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Stacy Gallagher
Get Strong! Live Long!