Get Rid Of The Comfort Zone. Make The Vision A Reality.

Published: Mon, 09/09/19

 That Fluffy Comfort Zone Challenge

First hand experience and connections with deep-Post Traumatic Shock Syndrome
It's About The Fluffy Comfort Zone challenge: To Accept And Love The Absolute Total Truth Of Who You Are......Joyfully"

In this post Susan has written. Thus, Susan encourages you to ReachOut into these ReachOutConnections resources. Read them. Laugh with Susan at the funny, weird, wonderful, contagious, drammactic, frustration. Aspects of just having absolutely no - conscious memory.

What the ***** were PopUps memories in the first place. Believe Susan when she says those pop-ops memories had no name until late 2018/early 2019 when she stumbled onto the medical term "Pop-Up" memories.

Just one deep-Post Traumatic Syndrome effect. Should this post, or aspects of the post, touch through the fog surrounding your own vacant memory connections, trigger some reaction no matter how small it is right now..... then welcome it.

This Susan knows this through her own experience

Susan is one of the rare people who have lived through the devastating isolation of just 'being' a speck in some universal ocean. Who has the guts to speak about what happened through her eyes.
... not understanding who she was, where life and energy came from. Actually existing while life flowed past and through her being.

Knowing the dyslexia is probably rife within this post.

Thus, Susan encourages you to ReachOut into these ReachOutConnections resources. Read them. Laugh with Susan at the funny, weird, wonderful, contagious, drammactic, frustrating aspects of just having absolutely no - conscious memory. What the ***** were PopUps memories in the first place. Believe Susan when she says those pop-ops memories had no name until late 2018/early 2019 when she stumbled onto the medical term "Pop-Up" memories.

Literally the only future was that jumbled second

The journey to this point has been a full on ride through 'crash courses' "selected learning" Impactful duck dives onto connecting the unknown to what could be ascertained though the deep-Post Traumatic Shock Syndrome that Susan has had surfacing since  Feb 2nd 1991.  

There were incidences before hand within Susan's life.  These paled in significance as a truck collected the Nissan Ervans passenger bumper bar.  End result:  Around Susan was  the wall of the rest of the vehicle front. Crumpled.

Life Definately Changed From that point

The word firewall applied to memories.  Pain, searing pain became a norm should the past memories need to be revisited. Instead, from what Susan  learned first hand, less than one percent of people go back to experience their 'person before the impact"

Of those that may achieve this there is a very small dot point of people who blend the old, with the newer version, enabling the third phase  [ who you are now] to be grounded with the a) orginal, b) the newer and into c) the newest version. Some end product that c) one is too.

Life is full of mysterious memories

Albert Einstein once quoted " The most important thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.  He to whom this emotions is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed!"

Open those eyes. Life is here. Out of the fluffy dust filled comfort zone of the brains lock down.

Like meets like

Susan was extremely well fitted when an invitation from someone she had not meet was found in the inbox. This person had recognised something of a similarity.

our years later a comment was made.  The answer: Yes I have had a head injury.... And then the understanding happened. The person who helped her through so much had done so in part because they could understand, and thus connect.

It's taken this long pathway through to this point.  Was it worth it. HECK Yes.

Here's why Today is important.

The life after the accident involved another pregnancy. So three, then the fouth child while living under pine trees and a sawmill, in a rustic little town, existing in isolated Victoria mountains was not something to be repeated.

Behaviours of the younger children were "guided"by the seven year old child with definite behaviour modifications needed. As per any child on the Autism Spectrum. Hang on Autism Spectrum.... child with a extremely high IQ. That was thought as impossible.

Twenty eight years later this behaviour modification is about to quietly start. Life with deep-Post Traumatic Shock Syndrome teaches one patience.

The missing part to the invisible jigsaw was now found.

To say that the brain and heart is connected to the mind, that has opened up a whole life of spirit filled existence is an understatement.

Maybe the OCD kicked in; There is a thing called TRUST.Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, years to repair. Trust is like a piece of paper. Once crumpled it cannot be perfect. The actions behind the crumpling of that paper can however be forgiven. Noted that trust comes from doing what you say!

Seems impossibe to many.

But to you what is the chance right now of being able to forgive yourself! Right now you are where Susan was, or as close to it as you can get. Susan was so deep behind the deep-Post Trumatic Shock Sydrome where she had become compfortable with the hiding of herself.

Sounds a strange way to put it. But when this does touch you you will know that Susan is talking to the you behind the comfort wall zone. That it's time for you to ReachOut.

That time starts right now.

Congratulations. By reading this far you have already chosen.

Follow, adapt and create your own vision. Not impossible.  Start with the little steps.

At first all Susan wanted was to build a website. An ongoing process. However the truth is.... what was learned at one place simply was utilized at another place.

Focus! Focus was going within.

Razor sharp focus went within. Then rest times.Time of experimentation. Things outside got messed up. Personal enforced minimization had to occur. Either at home or online.
Result: Home is now once again being minimized. No more hoarding of things from the past. Same goes for the memories once trapped.

It all started from 'scratch' with an invitation similar to this.
deep-Post Traumatic Shock trigger point that helped Bring Susan Lewis come home

Online is being tidied. What was learned in one place was practiced in other places.

Used in onething have now been utilized in other things. Facebook Docs, Autoresponders, videos, graphics, cards, PDF's  and yes.... everyday living.
No! Susan would be a first to say the three phase process clearout mindset and belief was not actually easy. There were tremendous strains. Time outs and away froms.

The difference is that there is that vision from within

Finally after five years a near spot on "X", "Y" and "Z". Forget about the branding of a product. Susan has now the brand for her inner self. The rest, as they say, will now come forward. Simply because Susan has stepped into her "self".

To Accept And Love The Absolute Total Truth Of Who You Are......Joyfully.

Now! Susan is ready to meet you on the other side. Since you are the person who needs to sort yourself out come on over and meet with Susan, and others, who have been where you are now. Yet are creating a very different path for them, their families and other members of this community.


Susan Lewis
Copyright © Susan Lewis of Susan Lewis Marketing