Copie's Choice for the weekend of February 7

Published: Fri, 02/07/20

Copie's Choice for the weekend of February 7

I hope you've had a good week.

I finally got over that darned bug (that just seems to hang on and on) just in time for allergy season which has decided to start early this year.

Sometimes you can't win for losing! LOL.

Here's what I've been up to this week.


Furious HoursI read a fascinating book this week called THE LAZARUS FILES: A Cold Case Investigation by Matthew McGough.

This is a story I first saw in DATELINE and wanted to know more about.

In 1986, a 29-year-old newlywed named Sherry Rasmussen was brutally murdered in her Van Nuys apartment. LAPD said that it was a crime committed by two Mexican burglars who had been operating in the area. Rasmussen's family told law enforcement to look into the ex-girlfriend of the slain woman's husband, Stephanie Lazarus... a rookie with the LAPD.

The Rasmussen family was blown off for 23 years as Lazarus moved up the ranks at the LAPD, eventually becoming a detective. She was neither questioned or looked at as a suspect.

Thanks to DNA from a bite mark on Sherry's arm made as she fought for her life, in 2009 Lazarus was finally removed from active duty, arrested and convicted of the murder.

Was it a case of sloppy police work that led to Lazarus escaping justice for almost a quarter century? Or was the LAPD protecting one of its own?

You decide.

It's a long, exhaustive read that is redundant in parts, but it's worth it.



I've been listening to the new podcast WeCrashed about the implosion of the company WeWork. It's crash caused the biggest loss of investor value since Enron...yet the founder walked away with a billion-dollar golden parachute.

Don't ya just love America sometimes?


Didn't make it out to the movies this week but here are my Oscar picks for Sunday Night's award show.


Best Director- Sam Mendes 1917

Best Actor - Joaquin Phoenix JOKER

Best Actress- Renee Zellweger JUDY

Best Supporting Actor - Brad Pitt ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD

Best Supporting Actress - Laura Dern MARRIAGE STORY

Do you agree or disagree with me? Drop me a line at [email protected]

Here's where you can catch me performing in the coming days:

Not A Genuine Black Man:
FEBRUARY 8: The Marsh Berkeley, 5 PM
MARCH 4, APRIL 22: Stephanie Feury Theatre, Los Angeles, 7:30 PM
APRIL 9: Los Positas College, Livermore, 7:30 PM

The Waiting Period:
FEBRUARY 16, MARCH 15: The Marsh San Francisco, 5 PM

Grandma and Me:
MARCH 20, 27, APRIL 3, 10, 17, 24, The Marsh San Francisco, 8 PM
MARCH 21, 28, APRIL 4, 11, 18, 25, The Marsh San Francisco, 5 PM

Have a GREAT weekend!


