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SpaceChain October 2021 Monthly Report

Published: Tue, 11/02/21

HIGHLIGHTS Listing on Rari Capital - $SPC has been listed on the DeFi lendng platform Rari Capital, allowing users to put up their tokens as…

SpaceChain September 2021 Monthly Report

Published: Mon, 10/04/21

HIGHLIGHTS Ethereum Node in Space - On 3 June 2021, SpaceChain sent an Ethereum blockchain-enabled into space aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. After…

SpaceChain August 2021 Monthly Report

Published: Fri, 09/03/21

HIGHLIGHTS Bloomberg Radar - SpaceChain CEO Zee Zheng will be speaking at Bloomberg RADAR, a new annual dialogue series that convenes disruptive…

SpaceChain July 2021 Monthly Report

Published: Tue, 08/03/21

HIGHLIGHTS Announcement - SpaceChain was wrongly added to an article regarding pending market removals on Bittre . We have reached out to Bittre and…

SpaceChain June 2021 Monthly Report

Published: Mon, 07/05/21

HIGHLIGHTS QRC to ERC v2 token swap - We will be ending support for the swap in a month, on 31 July 2021. Over the past 6 months, we have facilitated…

SpaceChain May 2021 Monthly Report

Published: Tue, 06/01/21

HIGHLIGHTS QRC to ERC v2 token swap - We will be ending support for the swap on 31 July 2021. Over the past 6 months, we have facilitated the swap of…

SpaceChain April 2021 Monthly Report

Published: Wed, 05/05/21

HIGHLIGHTS SpaceChain Callisto - It's finally here! Our very first hardware board designed for developing blockchain application is now available for…

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