Folasade Ayegbusi

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You can’t keep losing like this!

Published: Sat, 09/03/22

You can't keep losing like this! Hey To be honest, I enjoy working with y’all because I get to see your business’ potential. It’s e citing to see.

PLEASE STOP doing this NOW!

Published: Tue, 08/23/22

PLEASE STOPDoing this NOW! Hey The ta year 2022 is almost over, it will soon be followed by the 2023 ta season, where you file your ta returns for…


Published: Sat, 08/20/22

This is YOURRESPONSIBILTY Hey "It is the business owner's responsibility to maintain the documents needed to verify their reported income," IRS. The…

WHY do you KEEP CLAIMING this deduction?

Published: Tue, 08/16/22

Why do you KEEP CLAIMING thisDEDUCTIONS? Hey I have seen many ta payers who prefer the Standard Deduction, but in all honesty, it limits the money you…

You are committing a CRIME by doing this!

Published: Thu, 08/11/22

You are committing aCrime by doing this! Hey As a ta professional, I have noticed some disturbing practices that some of you commit, thinking you are…

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