Folasade Ayegbusi

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Do You Need a Free Book?

Published: Sat, 05/27/23

Unlock Valuable Ta Tips and Strategies Today! Hey, As a valued client, I wanted to share some e citing news with you that I believe can significantly…

You Can't Give Up on Your Bookkeeping!

Published: Sat, 05/20/23

Here's Why It's Essential for Small Business Hey, I'm writing to you today to discuss the importance of bookkeeping for small businesses. Bookkeeping…

IRS Notices Starting at the End of May

Published: Tue, 05/16/23

Don't Panic Yet Hey, I’m writing to warn you that the IRS will start sending notices at the end of May. These notices will be about ta es owed, and…

You Are A Star!

Published: Sat, 05/13/23

Thank You for Letting Me File Your Ta es Hey, I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to take a moment to e press my gratitude for allowing me…

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