Folasade Ayegbusi

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Uncomplicate Your Life By Doing This.

Published: Thu, 02/02/23

Kick Out Ta Season Fear Hey, Do you fear ta season? The stress and hassle of preparing and filing your ta es doesn’t have to take over your life…

Get your refund faster this tax season!

Published: Thu, 01/26/23

More Than Just A Refund! Hey, Are you looking to get your refund faster this ta season? Here are some tips to help you do just that:File…

2023 Tax Season Starts Next Week

Published: Sat, 01/21/23

Ta Season Reminder Hey, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to remind you that the ta season officially starts on January 23, 2023. If you have…

Let me file your tax returns for you!

Published: Sat, 01/14/23

Benefits Of Allowing Me tTo File Your Ta Return! Hey, Dear valued accounting and bookkeeping clients, I hope this email finds you well. I appreciate…

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