Why Raw Bones Are Better than Eggshells for Dogs

Published: Thu, 09/24/20

  Keep the Tail Wagging
Why Raw Bones Are Better than Eggshells for Dogs

Hi there, 

I just published a new blog post on KeepTheTailWagging.com.

Here's a title and a short exerpt from the post to help you decide if you'd like to pop by and check it out.

Why Raw Bones Are Better than Eggshells for Dogs
2020-09-13 12:00:00-04

This blog post was inspired by a question I received from Nancy Harrington Zajesky; thanks, Nancy. Worried about your dog getting enough calcium but nervous about feeding bones to your dog? Yep, it's a quandary that many raw feeders struggle with and leads them to choose many calcium alternatives and in this blog post, I'm […]

The post Why Raw Bones Are Better than Eggshells for Dogs first appeared on Keep the Tail Wagging.

Is raw feeding getting expensive? Check out this blog post I wrote with 20+ ways to save money on raw.
I saved the most money when I joined a local raw food co-op and when I switched from commercial to DIY raw.
I've been trying to create a group that is different from the many groups on Facebook.  I didn't want to create another raw feeding group, so I decided to create a group that appeals to dog moms (and dads) where we can just have fun talking and learning about dogs - PERIOD.  

No agenda, no drama, just celebrating our love of dogs.

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I LOVE animalEO oils and I've been using the AromaBoost collection on my dogs.
  Fullbucket Daily Canine Powder

Looking for a digestive enzyme?  Fullbucket did wonders for Rodrigo and is still the supplement I recommend today.
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