Where in the world do you want to go next, ?

Published: Thu, 02/14/19

You may ask yourself: “What is this?” or “What happened? Did I subscribe to this?” 

Hello , it is me: Gunnar. We probably connected via email because you were interested in doing a tour with Kolibri Expeditions, or we met at a birdwatching festival or birdfair and we exchanged some information. Or you are on my other email-list KolibriNews. Rings a bell?

You have just been subscribed to the newly started mailing list for: 

7 Wonders Birding 

The Bucket List Approach to Birding
Spectacular Birds in Spectacular Places

I think we will have a great meeting point here. We at 7WB are producing more tours every week and I am uploading them to our www.7wondersbirding.com website. I want to provide you with the solutions to your bucket lists when it comes to historical places and biosphere reserves to visit, as well as iconic birds and mammals you HAVE TO see.

These trips are suitable both for new birders, experienced birders, as well as non-birding spouses. After all, seeing Taj Mahal and wild Tigers will tickle the nerve by anyone, and I don't think any non birder would bail out on a trip like that. 
Or for that matter, a birdwatching trip to Machu Picchu include Andean Condor, Torrent Duck and Andean Cock-of-the Rock.

The trips are usually
 just 5 days, and after these 5 days you may do other activities or travel back home. There is more than life than birding, right?

Even if you are a lister, you probably realize that you will not see all the birds in the world anyway. On the contrary. In spite that they all count as just one in your life list, there will always be particular birds (or mammals for that matter) that are worth a lot more. 7WB concentrates on these. Just get your priorities in place and 7WB takes care of the rest. 

Having said that, on our trips you will see a lot of additional birds which will be like the icing on the cake. Additionally, all our 7WB itineraries will have pre and post tour extensions during which endemics are specifically targeted. In this sense you can build a more traditional birding tour around the 7WB concept. 

I present the perfect time efficient bucket list tour to you and your friends. You can participate by only taking 5 days off from work. With a weekend before and after you can travel anywhere in the world and back. Where do you want to go? Reply to this email and let me know your:
Don’t be shy! I read all messages. 

For 2019 we have 12 different trips to choose from (not all are uploaded to the website yet but will be shortly. Answer this email for specifics).
In 2020 we shall increase to at least 20 trips and complete so all the New 7 Wonders are covered: And by 2021 at the latest we want to include also world heritage sites such as: And Biosphere Reserves like: We also want to include a number of iconic MUST SEE mammals in our bucket list birding approach: All, while also targeting some of the best birds. By 2021-2022 we will be able to offer 7 Wonders Birding trips to see: .....and many more. 

The goal is to have 52 different destinations, one for each week, in 2021. In theory if you have the time and the money, you should be able to do a Big Year with us, concentrating on bucket list experiences rather than your longest list. Having said that, it will still be one crazy long year list. 

You will not get overwhelmed with messages from this list, but there shall always be something exciting. I shall update you every 3 weeks or so in average. We will be able to also set up the same itineraries for anyone wanting to organize a trip outside the schedule of our set departures. Just let me know by replying to this email. Looking forward to hear from you.
