Birding Peru Anytime and 7WB with 10% discount!

Published: Sat, 12/14/19

This day and age, it is all about branding, user experience and word of mouth marketing.

Kolibri Expeditions and 7 Wonders Birding provide birding trips which are experiences of a life time to see your most wanted bucket list species and the bucket list locations you want to visit. After the trip, you want to tell all your friends about it. It is word of mouth marketing. In effect, without much thinking of it, you have become a brand ambassador.

Let's take this one step further, and make it official. You can officially become a brand ambassador for Kolibri Expeditions and 7 Wonders Birding and we shall reward you for it. Not that you need to be bribed, but just as an incentive to you. And hey, your friends also get a discount.

Birding Peru Anytime

Since you are on my mailing list, you've probably already seen the email I sent two weeks ago - the one titled "Birding Revolution". If you missed the email it is summarized in a blog post here.

In this same email, I mentioned the Birding Peru Anytime tours that we are promoting right now. You will get 10% discount on these trips if you sign up to become a Kolibri/7WB brand ambassador. Just reply "I'm in!" to this email! For bird tour operators we offer great commissions for these Peru trips when you send clients our way on FIT. Just let me know!

The idea is simple. I identified which the most popular areas in Peru to visit for a birder are. Then I looked at the most important targets for those areas. Finally I allocated 5 days for each area. This is exactly the same model as we employ for the 7 Wonders Birding Tours. We are based in Peru so we can offer these Peru tours any time of year.  No longer do you have to go on a tour to Peru on a specific date. You can visit us anytime during the year and still find a tour. 

So which are the most popular areas to visit in Peru? Machu Picchu is #1 by all categories of course. You know, it is like Egypt. You cannot visit Egypt without seeing the pyramids, right? The same with Peru. You have to include Machu Picchu.

Can you include Machu Picchu and also do birding? Of course you can. People don't realize this. At the birding festivals I have attended recently, I have met countless of people telling me that they have already been in Peru and seen Machu Picchu. Then they add....."but it was not a birding trip". What? Seems strange to me. Why not combine? Birding and Culture!

The crux of the matter is of course who you travel with. If you travel with a hard core birder, you will be birding at sunrise, not looking at ruins. The ruins will still be there in the afternoon or in the middle of the day and can be visited then. If you are a photographer, you probably want to stay at the expensive lodges which are best for bird photography; and finally if your partner or friends are not birders and you also would like the maximum cultural experience, you would need a program that contains more cultural elements and which puts the whole inca experience into concept. 

Guess what? I have made three different Machu Picchu programs. All three of them also contain Abra Malaga and Apurimac valley.  Just differences in where you stay and how long time allocated to each place. Check them out.
The other most popular birding areas in Peru are North Peru and Manu road. Each with a five day tour and extremely rich with birds.  Around these trips you can build longer programs with extra days of birding in Lima, short rain forest programs or other extensions. Check our website for ideas. 

Become a Brand Ambassador 

If you sign up to become a Kolibri/7 Wonders Birding Brand Ambassador you get: You don't have to sign up for any tours for next year to participate, but you can still sign up to become an ambassador now. I will only allow ambassadors to sign up until new year. Are you in? Respond to this email - Yes, I'm in.

What do you have to do to be an ambassador? Not that much really. Just tell your friends of the bucket list birding concept, and that they will enjoy 5% discount if they sign up for a trip being friends of yours. Every once and so open share something on social media.

More detailed instructions in the email you get when you sign up.


Gunnar Engblom
Kolibri Expeditions/7 Wonders Birding.