Which Hummingbirds, Plovers/Lapwings and Gulls/Terns are on your Bucket List?

Published: Fri, 08/07/20

In these times of the pandemic, more and more of us, and me as well, have had to resign to virtual birding. I am am making a checklist to Bucket List birds of the world. I have had this idea for a long time - in fact since 2009 - to put together a list of the 1000 best birds in the world.  

A Bucket List of 1000 birds.

A manageable number. 
I explained this project in detail on my Vlog of July 8. Click on the video-link below and it will start at 6:35 minutes whence I start talking about the project.


Facebook polls for the 1000 birds list. 

I mentioned in the previous newsletter that there is an ongoing poll on the 363 Hummingbirds Facebook Group to try narrow down which hummers should go on the final list. 
The voting is open until Sunday, so you should check it out and cast your vote.
It is a lot of fun! Later there shall be a Hummingbird World Cup. Enough fun, to last us beyond the end of the pandemic. 

In a similar vein, I also asked Facebook groups for help to choose the best Plovers and Lapwings on the I ❤️ Shorebirds, and the best Gulls and Terns in World Birding Tours.  The first contest runs until Sunday, and the second until Tuesday. 
Again, one needs to be member of the groups to vote. Both are great groups if you like shorebirds or world birding in general. 

New blog - Birding World Heritage Sites. 

I just published the first installment on the 7WB website of a new blog about birding at World Heritage Sites.  Since this is a central theme in the 7 Wonders Birding catalogue I hope these blogposts can help spread the word about the philosophy behind our trips.  In each post I shall give the historical, archeological and cultural background and framework to the site, and then also highlight the best birds that can be seen at the site or nearby. 

The first post was of course about Machu Picchu. The next post will follow next week.  Which New 7 Wonder do you want me to write about?

More 7 Wonders Birding trips. 

In the last newsletter I mentioned that the East Australia and New Zealand trips in January 2021 and 2022 have been uploaded. They run back to back and you may also add Tasmania and Melbourne at the end for Australia's unique iconic mammals. 

Yesterday, I finally put a price on the
Egypt and Petra trip on February 2021 and 2022.  Check those out and start making bookings.
Also, I want to remind you that
Japan in late February needs to be booked as soon as possible in order to reserve spots in the hide for Blakiston's Fish-owl. 

Have a look at the program. Dates for most destinations have been uploaded for all of 2021, and we are taking requests for trips also in 2022.  We are looking to add Madagascar and Papua New Guinea for unique bird families.  Are there any particular areas you would want a short trip to? Let us know. We can set it up. Just answer this email. 

Satipo Road project donations. 

Once again, thanks for all the contributions. As the situation in Junin department is still complicated and yet another month of quarantine has been announced, we shall start with the pilot trip in September. More funding is needed. I have added yet an additional easy way to contribute via Transferwise on the Satipo Road Community Hostel Project description page.  You may contribute in USD, EUR, AUD, NZD and GBP.  Thanks!

That was all. You find my VLOG updates on YouTube or Facebook Kolibri Page full of hacks, challenges, birding news and Peru COVID 19 updates. 
Also check out the Facebook Group called Bucket List Birding. This is great group for conversations about the best birding destinations. 

Have a great weekend. Soon enough this too will come to an end, and we shall be able to go travelling again. 



PS. I would love if you shared this email with a friend. Thanks!


Gunnar Engblom is a Swedish birder who lives in Peru since 1998, where he operates birdwatching and nature tours for Kolibri Expeditions. He is a popular guide both for hard core birding groups, as well as for groups who combine photography, nature and/or culture.

He is also a keen runner training to run a marathon in less than 3 hours. Best time so far when 21 years of age in 3:00:32. Second best at 56 years old in 2016 in 3:04:14. In July 2020 turned 60 years old, but he is still aiming for a sub 3 hour marathon if the pandemic goes away and there will be races any time soon.

Gunnar also write and sings Swedish punk/eco-rock songs with humor and ironic twist. In 2016 he put his old band Guran Guran back together.
The song Rinkeby och Tensta has over 312 000 views on YouTube.

Connect with Gunnar on social Media as @Kolibrix on Twitter and @BirdingPeru on Instagram. Whatsapp: +51 988 555 938
Kolibri Expeditions/7 Wonders Birding