Daily Encouragement (12/6/21) "He Stooped Down To Our Level"

Published: Mon, 12/06/21

A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation. The online Bible teaching ministry of Stephen & Brooksyne Weber.

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Monday, December 6, 2021
Coastal train
Near the restaurant, where we ate dinner yesterday in Carlsbad, was a main line for both San Diego County commuter rail and the Pacific Surf-liner passenger trains from San Diego to Los Angeles.
"He Stooped Down To Our Level"
Message summary: Remember this wonderful truth today, this season, and all your life; how blessed we are that God stooped down! Now let us look up to Him who gave His all for us!
Note: Due to being away from home a podcast was not prepared for this message and we do not expect to post tomorrow due to making our long trip home, leaving early in the morning. Hopefully we will post from home on Wednesday!
"You stoop down to make me great” (Psalm 18:35). “Christ Jesus: who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness” (Philippians 2:5-7).
He came down to my level
When I couldn't get up to His
With a strong arm He lifted me up
To show me what livin' is
Yesterday we attended Shadow Mountain Community Church near San Diego where David Jeremiah is the longtime pastor. I've always thought that he had a great name for a pastor. When I first heard of him some 30 years ago I thought maybe it was sort of like a pen name. But alas that is his real name! Few people have a prominent prophet's name as their last name. Pastor Jeremiah has had a faithful ministry for many years which many of us are familiar with through his books and radio ministry. His latest book is quite timely titled, "Where Do We Go from Here? How Tomorrow's Prophecies Foreshadow Today's Problems". But his message yesterday was on Joseph, husband of Mary, and included some very interesting insights.
Steve and Betsy NicklessFollowing the church service we joined two longtime Daily Encouragement readers for dinner in Carlsbad. Steve and Betsy Nickless live in Huntington Beach, south of LA, but they drove all the way down to northern San Diego County just to see us. What a blessing to have such good friends developed from a great distance geographically but spiritually nurtured through this website ministry! We met them face to face five years for the first time and learned more about their lives and their Christian testimony. Now five years later seeing them face to face again each of us had so much to say in a couple hour span that we found ourselves talking over each other.
It was a delight to catch up with them and spend time with some of God's people in California, sort of countering so much of the image we have of the state due to the news mostly out of the large cities like San Francisco and LA. Our hearts are warmed and delighted by the fact that California is well represented by our reader base.
There are different approaches to ministry regarding the ways ministers interface with people. Brooksyne and I have always sought to be very personable, not only ministering spiritually but seeking to befriend as well. Not only do we hope to challenge and inspire others in their spiritual walk, but we are equally challenged as we closely interface with those whom we serve and those who serve us. We've really enjoyed getting to know four different Comfort Keepers who provide round the clock physical care to our host, Marilyn.
In over 45 years of ministry we’ve attended many Minister's Conferences where we mix among our ministerial peers and have certainly enjoyed those associations and friendships. But we’ve always felt most at home among the people whom God has entrusted to us in our congregations, companies we serve as chaplains, and in other forms of ministry, including online where over time we've also met many of you personally like Steve and Betsy.
I’m tall (about 6’ 2”) although I do seem to be shrinking a bit in height as I age and expanding in the other dimension! Early in our ministry I learned the value of stooping down to greet children, seeking to be less physically imposing to them. As age marches on, getting down on my knees is much harder these days but I still do, although I might need help getting back up! Brooksyne and I have also learned that stooping down is appreciated by people in wheelchairs or those who are bedridden. There’s a special connection we make when being at the same eye level as we seek to express genuine love, interest and care.

But today let us consider the wonderful blessing in Scripture that tells us when God stooped down. One of our favorite Christmas hymns is “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus”.  Each line of this Charles Wesley hymn is replete with rich theology concerning the incarnation of Christ, including one pertinent to today’s message; “Born a child and yet a King.”

The first daily text is part of an ancient song to the Lord written by King David some 3,000 years ago (1,000 years before the first coming of Christ).  In his extolling of the Lord David writes, “You stoop down to make me great".

I wonder what David meant when he initially wrote these words? Certainly he was cognizant of the greatness of God but how much insight did he have about the future incarnation and the very wonder that one day this great God of the universe; the Creator of all that exists would “stoop down” and clothe Himself in human flesh, entering this world as a helpless babe?

But that is precisely what God has done for us. A song from the eighties has a line, “He came down to my level, when I couldn’t get up to His.” Theologically we call this the “incarnation", God’s ultimate demonstration of grace in sending His one and only Son to this world to die for our sins. (Incidentally the Hebrew word for grace “hen” has an underlying sense of meaning “to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior”.)

God in the incarnation “stooped down”. The apostle Paul, in his magnificent incarnation passage states, “Christ Jesus: who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness” (Philippians 2:5-7).

Today what a difference it makes in our outlook when we consider that God has indeed “stooped down”. C. S. Lewis wrote so poignantly, “The Son of God became a Son of Man that sons of men might become sons of God”. That’s right! And remember this wonderful truth today, this season, and all your life! How blessed we are that God stooped down! Now, just as He stooped down, let us lift up our hands and embrace Him who gave His all for us!
Be encouraged today, (Hebrews 3:13)
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber
Praying man Daily prayer: Jesus, You stooped down from heaven to take on flesh and dwell among us as You became the supreme example of God in the flesh. In Your human form You were victorious in the raging battle against the spiritual forces of evil when faced with temptations and trials common to all people as evidenced right after Your baptism by John the Baptist. We stand in glorious victory as we follow Your example, hold to Your unchanging truths, and seek to have the nature of a loving servant. Amen.

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources
"He Stooped Down To My Level"  Video  Gaither Vocal Band
"Come Thou Long Expected Jesus"  Video  Keith & Kristyn Getty

Leaning Christmas tree
The Stooped Tree - One of the things that stood out to us as we observed this very tall and uncommon tree growing here in San Diego is that we could see the ornaments up close. Most all cities and towns have a Christmas tree every year that passers by can admire as they walk or drive by it. But due to the height of the trees the ornaments are only a passing glance. When we looked at this stooped tree we were able to see up close the ornaments; their shape, color and design which brought about a different view than usual.
Steve and Betsy Nickless
We had such a nice time with Steve and Betsy along with Betsy's sister who took this photo. She is visiting from Atlanta and these two close sisters were together for the first time in two years due to the pandemic. Steve came across our ministry in 2005. He has a testimony reminding us of the importance of personable outreach due to a pastor in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Richard and Elnora Dresselhaus
On Saturday afternoon we visited with Richard and Elnora Dresselhaus who for many years pastored here in San Diego at the church our hostess, Marilyn, attended. They both stay active in ministry with a daily devotion called "One For The Road" and Elnora has posted many hymns on Youtube. They continue to provide pastoral care to Marilyn and many others, a characteristic of genuine ministry.

Elnora at piano
Elnora is an outstanding pianist and we sang several Christmas carols and hymns together with Marilyn who loves to sing.

Shadow Mountain Community Church
We enjoyed the service at Shadow Mountain Community Church and as guests were seated on the front row which was great since we happen to enjoy sitting near the platform. After I was seated Brooksyne whispered, "Do you see who's sitting across the aisle from you?" It was David Jeremiah! (Long gone are the days when the preachers sit on the platform.)
Here's the video cued to the song the choir was singing when I took the photo,

The saxophonist is Uriel Vega who has a YouTube channel with many of his songs including "Waymaker" Video
We sure appreciated the joy the singers convey! If you watch the video and keep it going after the song you will see David Jeremiah making his way to the platform. And if you are curious folks like us, take a good look and you will see the three of us sitting on the front row. I'm curious as to what Brooksyne is whispering in my ear.
Finally today:
Bike ride along Ocean Cliffs Blvd
I rented a bike and rode along Sunset Cliffs Boulevard, a beautiful area of San Diego right along the ocean.
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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version.

Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."
© Copyright 2021 Stephen C. & Brooksyne Weber - All Rights Reserved
Great Smoky Mountains National Park 7/23/21
Great Smoky Mountains National Park 7/23/21

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