✝ Daily Encouragement (11/8/22) "A Restoration Of Righteousness"

Published: Tue, 11/08/22

A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation. The online Bible teaching ministry of Stephen & Brooksyne Weber.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2022
"A Restoration Of Righteousness "
Message summary: The political leadership chosen tomorrow certainly influences the fate of our nation, but the greatest need is for individuals, families, churches, and communities to follow the pattern of 2 Chronicles 7:14 that teaches us to humble ourselves, pray, seek God's face and turn from our wicked ways. We pray for a restoration of righteousness in our land!
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"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people" (Proverbs 14:34 NASV).

Election DayToday is midterms election day here in the USA. Leadership will be chosen for various positions. Our family will all vote and participate in our constitutional right.

We live in a swing state (nominally) so we are now inundated with nasty ads from both major senatorial candidates. During the final days it is at such a frenzied pace that they run the same ad over and over which can torment the viewer and ruin a good football game. We look forward to this dirt-slinging very soon ending but really don't expect much unity on Wednesday morning. Our country is terribly and deeply divided and apart from divine intervention we don't see this changing. We need a restoration of righteousness.

Our polling place is located in a Bible believing church and, although there is no electioneering allowed by the church, it's still interesting to pass through the foyer area on the way to the polling place. It's a blessing to be exposed to expressions of Biblical truth and righteousness even while pursuing patriotic duties!

When we pastored in New England in the 1990's our church was also used as a polling place. It was on a very busy highway (US route 44) that ran through our city with lots of traffic. We had a large road sign with a changeable message at the entrance. On Election Day, Veda Shibilo, my dedicated church secretary placed this message on both sides of the sign: "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people" (Proverbs 14:34). For many voters, especially in that region of the country, that was probably the full extent of their exposure to Scripture! Hopefully some paused to consider the truth declared in that short biblical phrase.

Peter MarshallOver half a century ago Peter Marshall made the following prophetic statement:
"No nation has ever made any progress in a downward direction. No people ever became great by lowering their standards. No people ever became good by adopting a looser morality. It is not progress when the moral tone is lower than it was. It is not progress when purity is not as sweet. Whatever else it is, it is not progress!"

We are being disgraced as a nation. To be sure sin has always been present but we are seeing such an increase, approval and even celebration of behavior described in the Bible as sin. Now those who believe in and stand up for Biblical righteousness are increasing vilified. The disgrace of sin abounds, yet so many are blind to it.

MaMa SteincrossAs I prepare this message I consider my grandmother, MaMa (Nellie Mae) Steincross, who died in the early seventies. As best I can determine she is a strong link in my spiritual lineage.Fifty years ago could she even have imagined the moral decadence, spiritual apathy, and outright craziness we are seeing today?

The righteousness that exalts a nation is fundamentally attained when individuals, families and churches turn to Christ and live daily in submission to His will. This has an accumulative impact on our community, state and entire nation. Thus a nation's leadership reflects the righteousness or unrighteousness of the people.

We have often used our daily Scripture text which is so powerful. Today we want to share it in a variety of translations that vary the wording slightly but may provide further insight:
  • "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people." (NIV)
  • "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." (KJV)
  • "Uprightness and right standing with God (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation) elevate a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" (Amplified Version)
2 Chronicles 7:14 The political leadership chosen today certainly influences the fate of our nation, but the greatest need is for individuals, families, churches, and communities to follow the pattern of 2 Chronicles 7:14 that teaches us to humble ourselves, pray, seek God's face and turn from our wicked ways. We pray for a restoration of righteousness in our land!

We each individually have the decision regarding the fate of our soul. We urge you to accept or reaffirm your personal decision to follow Christ today and experience God's great hope and peace as a citizen of heaven!

We emphasize again and again the most important decision that we will make in this life is to love and serve Jesus this day and every day and forever. If we do we will seek to please the Lord and obey His commands, thereby doing our part to make our country a righteous nation!
Be encouraged today, (Hebrews 3:13)
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber
Praying manDaily prayer : Father in heaven, as we approach our national election, I pray that Your people will vote, and that they will vote with a sense of thankfulness for a democratic system that at least partially holds in check the folly and evil in all our hearts so that power which corrupts so readily is not given to one group or person too easily. We pray that Your people would see what love and justice and far-seeing wisdom demand in regard to the issues of education, business and industry, health care, marriage and family, abortion, welfare, energy, government and taxes, military, terrorism, international relations, and every challenge that we will face in the years to come; and above all, that we will treasure Jesus Christ, and tell everyone of His sovereignty and supremacy over all nations, and that long after America is a footnote to the future world, He will reign with His people from every tribe and tongue and nation. Keep us faithful to Christ’s all important Word, and may we turn to it every day for light in these dark times. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
(Prayer adapted from a "A Prayer For The Election" by John Piper)

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources
"If My People"   Video  This song was popular when we were young in the seventies.
"If My People"  Video  Promise Keepers
"Heal Our Land"  Video  Randy Rothwell

A lovely Sunday afternoon display of autumn trees on Rockpoint Road near Maytown.
Click on photo to enlarge

Dorothy Schmidt
Yesterday morning I was invited to Women Connecting (Christian Women's Club) to share the story about the Pilgrims voyage on the Mayflower in 1620 at Calvary Homes. Since Covid this was my first time to share this historic story about the pilgrims perilous journey before arriving in the new world 402 years ago. Dottie Schmidt (to my right) who is like a spiritual mother to me started Women Connecting about five years ago and it is a real blessing to the women there at Calvary Homes.
Not sure what Brooksyne is demonstrating here but she's in full motion talking to about 60 women who were in attendance.
Pilgrim display. She has presented this story for nearly 25 years beginning in public schools in Massachusetts. We wonder if that would even be permitted now.
Backyard color
Our colorful backyard although the leaves are now dropping rapidly. It seems impossible that we had our bedroom window open all night and it never got near chilly. Temps near 60 yet again today. We still have summer flowers. Yesterday we raked most of the leaves under our large oak tree in the front and filled 15 leaf bags packed full and heavy. We wonder just how much weight the leaves alone comprise. We'll probably have some more work this afternoon!
Click on photo to enlarge
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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version.

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