✝ Daily Encouragement (5/5/23) "Repairing The Foundation"

Published: Fri, 05/05/23

A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation. The online Bible teaching ministry of Stephen & Brooksyne Weber.

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Friday, May 5, 2023
Slab City
Slab City Welcome "Center"
"Repairing The Foundation"
Travel note: We are back in San Diego after a visit to the desert this week. Tomorrow we will participate in our friend Marilyn's celebration of life service and then visit with her son and family on Sunday. We will return home on Monday.
Message summary: Let us boldly stand for truth and righteousness as we seek to repair and maintain the foundation, both in our own lives and the nation we live in.
Note: Due to travel a podcast is not prepared for this message.
"When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Psalm 11:3).

Yesterday we visited Slab City, so named for the concrete slabs remaining from a military base in the desert, that was abandoned in the fifties. When the base was decommissioned they tore down the metal buildings but left the concrete foundations (slabs). This area has become home to an interesting group of of grid settlers: many who express faith, most notably seen at Salvation Mountain (more about that in a future message). This area is not for those who enjoy luxury, since temps reach 130 degrees, there is no water or electricity, and the roads are quite rugged.
The early settlers used the slabs that remained from the military reassignment and closure as foundations for their houses and the area became known as Slab City.
Today let's consider our own slab: that is, our foundation. Let's especially consider this foundation in regards to our nation and we do so as US citizens.
We have all built a foundation in our own life, in our church and in our nation. Again I urge our international readers to apply this message to their own nation as I believe what I write is quite similar regardless of where you may live.
There are many destructive elements chiseling away at the foundation of our nation which is increasingly more like an army of jackhammers or wrecking balls. Day by day there are new efforts to tear the foundation wall down.

But I consider how this has always been the case to some degree. America has never been a 100% Christian nation, although many of the founders were devoted believers. They were guided by the Bible and Christian principles by which we have lived for over 200 years.  But there have always been unbelievers and those opposed to the ways of the Lord and a Bible-based foundation. All along there have been varying efforts that chisel away at the biblical foundation.

But through much of our history there has been an army of Christian soldiers just as strong who are at work repairing the foundation, keeping up with the necessary maintenance, so to speak: preachers standing up for righteousness and holiness, individual Christians earnestly following their Lord, scores of local churches and para-church ministries shining as lights in their communities. It’s always been a battle, but for centuries the repairers of the wall have kept up with maintenance on the foundation.

In my observation the last generation particularly (I suppose I mean my own) has gotten sloppy with the maintenance since the deteriorating foundation can easily be observed.

Thank God for those who take up the mantle of faith and boldly declare the truth; the truth based upon the unchanging truth of God’s holy Word, not the ever changing politically correct position as deemed by Washington or elsewhere.
In the midst of our traveling schedule we were unable to participate in our local and county wide National Day of Prayer yesterday. But we prayed for those who did and that a mighty revival would sweep our nation as people from all kinds of church backgrounds came together with one voice to plead for the needs of our country, to intercede for the family unit and for educational and political leaders to honor God with their lives and in their leadership roles.
Let us take a bold stand for truth and righteousness as we seek to repair, maintain and fortify the foundation, both in our own lives and the nation in which we live.
Be encouraged today, ( Hebrews 3:13)
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber
Praying man Daily prayer: Father, You laid in Zion a sure foundation, a Stone. That tried but proven Stone is Jesus, one whom the builders rejected, yet a precious Cornerstone to those of us who are building our lives upon this Rock. It is only in Him, our solid Rock, that we can anchor our soul so that it does not drift aimlessly by the strong winds, the fierce storms or rising waters, nor the mirages that counterfeit the reality of Your timeless truths as revealed to us in Scripture. Help us to be on guard against false prophets and keep us in growth and maintenance mode, no matter how much we may feel like giving up. For it’s not the one who runs the swiftest, nor the one who runs for just a day, but the one who endures to the end who shall be saved. Amen.

National Day of Prayer Note:  Email we received today from our local leader, Nancy Shonk, regarding the MJNDOP (Mount Joy National Day of Prayer) - "It was another huge success!  Everything ran smoothly, 103 people in attendance.  The prayers lifted up were beautiful & meaningful.... I came home on a high, very thankful"
Personal Note: We saw a lot of interesting sights while in the desert this week but will prepare photos to share when we return home. It's hard to do this working on a small laptop!
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Stephen & Brooksyne
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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version.

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