✝ Daily Encouragement (10/27/23) "Always Working All Things Out"

Published: Fri, 10/27/23

A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation. The online Bible teaching ministry of Stephen & Brooksyne Weber.

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Friday, October 27, 2023

Flight 93 memorial tower
Memorial tower of voices representing the 40 passengers and crew of Flight 93.
"Always Working All Things Out"

Note: We have had a very busy week. Yesterday I was extremely fatigued and unable to post a message.
Message summary: God's goodness is not always expressed in ways we clearly see or understand since we view only from this side. God is no less good in regard to outcomes that seem bad and that we just don’t understand.
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“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

On Tuesday afternoon, returning from a trip to Pittsburgh with my young friend Moses, we stopped by the Flight 93 Memorial near the PA turnpike. It was a moving remembrance of the horrific events wrought by evil Muslim terrorists on 9/11/01. The memorial is very well done telling the story and remembering the crew and passengers on United Flight 93. The most moving part to me were the voice recordings passengers left on loved one's phones in the final minutes of flight.
Many recognize the name, Todd Beamer. After his directive, “Let’s roll”, was sounded to the other courageous passengers on board Flight 93 he and the others went down in fame for their part in preventing the hijackers from reaching their ultimate target, the US Capitol. Many of you are aware that Todd was a devout follower of Christ.

The last time we visited the crash site was in June 2003 when we were in central Pennsylvania where I conducted a wedding. It’s in a very remote, rural location over a former strip mine. The memorial at that time was but a mere gravel parking area overlooking the actual site of the crash some 200 yards away. Local “ambassadors” volunteered for two hour shifts explaining the direction the plane came from, where it crashed, the initial local response, etc. At the time we visited, the farmer who actually witnessed the plane’s crash was also there to share his account.

The makeshift memorial itself was a vertical stand about 8 feet tall and 24 feet long, covered with Fire Company hats, news clippings, and white boards that visitors wrote on. These white boards were removed every few days and stored to be part of a permanent memorial. All around the memorial stand were other smaller memorials from all over the world. At that time people came and went throughout the day with about 20 there at any given time.

The most outstanding piece of information we heard about was something I don’t recall ever reading or hearing prior to our visit at the memorial site. The crash itself was of course horrific, with the plane hitting the surface at nearly 600 miles per hour and plunging deep into the ground (it’s thought the depth was in part due to the ground not being compacted because of the strip mining activity). The plane was so utterly destroyed that only a smoldering crater was found.

The first responders, who arrived shortly after the crash, found only two identifiable objects; a burning tire and an open Bible near the site. The Bible was completely intact, with the cover barely singed. It was open to a portion from 1 Kings 12 that deals with the division of the Kingdom. (Note: unless I missed it, and I did look for it, this Bible was not part of the collection at the Flight 93 Memorial).

Research indicates that Don
Peterson was the owner of the Bible. On September 11 Don and his wife had planned to take a later flight (Flight 91) to go to a family reunion at Yosemite National Park, but at the airport that morning they switched to the earlier, less-crowded Flight 93.

Pastor Jim Loveland, said, "I wasn’t on that plane, but I believe I know what happened. At the end, I’m sure they were praying and ministering with the others, encouraging them to be right with the Lord, that’s what their lives were about." Their memorial service drew nearly 1,000 people they’d worked with, helped or counseled and had to be moved to a larger sanctuary nearby.

Let’s consider how we often testify to God’s goodness when things work out the other way. Let’s just change the story to our preferred ending, “The Peterson’s were scheduled to be on Flight 93 but were delayed in traffic, missed their flight and were thus spared from death”. That’s normally the way we like the story to go and when that happens we rejoice and proclaim to others, “God is good.”

But His goodness is not always expressed in ways we clearly see or understand since we view only from this side. God is no less good in regard to outcomes that seem bad and we just don’t understand.

In R.C. Sproul’s book, “The Providence of God”, he writes concerning Romans 8:28: “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

“There’s no other text that demonstrates so clearly and magnificently the beauty of God’s sovereign providence than Romans 8:28. The text does not say that everything that happens to us, considered in and of itself, is good; rather, it says that all things that take place in our lives is working out with other things for our good. That is the master plan of God’s redemptive providence. He brings good out of evil. He brings glory out of suffering. He brings joy out of affliction. This is one of the most difficult truths of sacred Scripture for us to believe. I’ve said countless times that it is easy to believe in God but far more difficult to believe God. Faith involves living a life of trust in the Word of God.”

Today we encourage our readers to assert with confidence that the Lord is good. Whatever you are going through or our world is going through remember this truth: “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose".
Do you know that today?
Be encouraged today, (Hebrews 3:13 )
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber
Praying man Daily prayer: Father, it is our heart’s desire to trust You in all things – knowing they work together for our good and for the good of the kingdom. Remind us that You are working out Your purpose in our lives so that we will not be consumed with the smoothness of our plans, but rather the unfolding of Your Kingdom plans recognizing and acknowledging that You are good, you are always good. Through all circumstances God, You are good – period!  It is in the name of Jesus that we give You thanks and praise. Amen.
 Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources
"All Things"   Watch on Youtube  David & Nicole Binion

Flight 93 crash site
The Flight 93 crash site as seen from the visitor's center.
Carrie and Francisco's wedding 2003 Here's a photo from June 2003 of the wedding I conducted. Carrie grew up attending the church I pastored in northern Pennsylvania and went on to do mission's service in Colombia where she met Francisco, a native Colombian.
They have three children and continue to faithfully serve the Lord. Carrie's parents, Jack and Chris Mansfield, are longtime friends who now live in New York state.

ABR banquet
Last night I attended a banquet for the Associate For Biblical Research ministry at the Shady Maple. ABR is an apologetics ministry.
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Stephen & Brooksyne
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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version.

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