✝ Daily Encouragement (8/24/23) "The Blessing Of Restoration"

Published: Thu, 08/24/23

A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation. The online Bible teaching ministry of Stephen & Brooksyne Weber.

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Thursday, August 24, 2023

Galen with restored tractor 4/30/19 (Click to enlarge)
Galen Martin on his restored 1949 Minneapolis-Moline tractor
(Click on photo for larger view)
"The Blessing Of Restoration"
Note: Today's message is primarily a testimony illustrating our daily text.
Message summary: God's nature is to restore and the greatest restoration that can take place concerns our relationship with Him. But we can also experience restoration with others.
Listen to our message on your audio player .

"He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers" (Malachi 4:6).

Etown FairThis week begins fair season here in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Other states have state fairs and there are many county fairs. But here in Lancaster County we have several town fairs through mid October beginning with the Elizabethtown Fair in our neighboring town which is happening now. These fairs are very popular among the local population with many wholesome activities like the crowning of a Senior King and Queen yesterday at the Etown Fair.
When I go to a country fair one of the first activities I walk through is the inevitable display of restored tractors. It seems many farmers have a hankering to restore a tractor, especially if it was one their father or grandfather drove or the first tractor they learned to drive. Then they like to "show it off". Our lead photo shows our friend Galen Martin with a tractor he restored from his childhood. See below for more photos.
God's nature is to restore and the greatest restoration is our relationship with Him. But we also experience restoration with others. One of the greatest faith builders are personal testimonies. We enjoy reading of how the Lord is working in the lives of others.

Steve and Jemi RohrerSome stories take a long time to work out and these can be of special encouragement to others who are also in a long wait. In our ABF class this last Sunday a missionary shared about his mother-in-law who had come to faith at an early age and then started praying for her family's salvation. She prayed for 60 years but saw no fruit while she was alive. But since her recent death several nieces have either come to faith or are expressing interest in learning about the Bible through an online Bible study led by their missionary cousin.
We enjoy experiencing, observing and hearing stories like this and today we will share a longer one.
One summer we stopped by our chaplaincy office in Springfield, Missouri where I hold my official endorsement as a chaplain. We had lunch and visited for awhile with Al Worthley, my chaplaincy supervisor at the time. Al is now retired but had been a tremendous blessing and source of encouragement to us in our chaplaincy ministry, both to companies and over the internet through Daily Encouragement.
Valla Martin with Brooksyne
While there we also visited for a few minutes with Valla Martin who has a wonderful testimony we want to share today, a testimony of restoration.
She spent most of her life not knowing her biological father. She knew his name, but very little else was known about him – good or bad. She always longed to know more about him. What was he like? Was she like him at all? Did he wonder the same things about her? Fear of negative answers kept her from pursuing her dream of one day finding him.

Eventually she thought, "Enough wondering is enough". If she found him for no other reason than to learn family history, that was okay. She had been very happily married for 33 years, had two children and three grandchildren, so her life was full. Well, almost full. If he didn’t reciprocate her feelings, she could go on. She had made it this far just fine. But, what if???

On August 12, 2010, she threw caution to the wind, sat down at the computer, and asked a simple private question on Facebook to the man she thought must be her long-lost dad: At 2:56 pm she wrote: "Are you the Dean from Kansas who has a sister named Barb?"

She shut the computer down and didn’t look at it again until the next morning. Little did she know that later that day at 6:48pm, he had responded: "Yes I am. My heart gave a little jump when I saw this on my email. I've not used Facebook much, so I don't know much about using it. You are beautiful by the way. This is a lot more answer than you asked for, hope you don't mind. Please let me know all about you and your family. I'm thrilled to hear from you."

From there phone numbers were exchanged, and the first phone call happened the next day. An hour passed by in a flash. So much to know! Where to start?! It didn’t matter! Valla had found her daddy! And guess what? He only lived about an hour away! He could have lived anywhere, for all she knew!

He had grown up and was deeply repentant of his previous behavior. He wasn’t the irresponsible young man who had abandoned her and her mom so many years ago. He had thought of her often and always thought of her on her birthday – Valentine’s Day, and hence the name "Valla". He LOVED her! He had become a Christian, and they shared the same conservative values and outlook on life. They processed information remarkably the same. They had the same type of personality and sense of humor. They "got" each other.

A week after the first interaction, they were able to meet face-to-face. So much communication had happened in that first week that it was a very comfortable meeting. Since then, they have seen each other almost every week. Phone calls happen several times a day – sometimes very short calls, sometimes they solve the world’s problems, sometimes just plain silliness, but always just because they CAN!

It wasn’t long before Valla learned that her dad was experiencing serious health problems. He only had one working kidney, and its function had begun to decline. With no hesitation, Valla offered one of her kidneys if she was a match. The question was never:  "should she do it?" It was always: "Why shouldn't she?"

Valla Martin with her father In the fall of 2012, Valla went through all the testing to confirm that she was indeed her dad’s match. She passed the tests with flying colors. On January 22, 2013, the kidney transplant occurred.  Both donor and recipient recovered very nicely. On April 8, 2013, her dad was told that his health following the transplant is far better than many other kidney recipients.

Valla had looked for family medical history; turns out she became part of his medical history. She found her identity and a sense of belonging that was totally unexpected! That's the blessing of restoration and a tremendous example of our daily text. "He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers" (Malachi 4:6).

Be encouraged today, (Hebrews 3:13 )
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber
Praying man Daily prayer: Father, we rejoice with Valla in the restored relationship she has with her birth father. How wonderful that they share the same faith and same values enabling them to build a loving bond as father and daughter in their later adult years. There are millions of fatherless children who don't know their birth fathers and feel unloved, unimportant and unwanted. We pray for responsible parenting and Biblical morality to be restored in our land. How desperately we need a revival where people will be saved, delivered, and reconciled to You, and seek to reconcile themselves to those they have cast aside. We pray for those who are still in the waiting period for a miracle such as Valla's. May they find their sense of belonging and acceptance through You, our loving and faithful Father, and as joint heirs with Christ who gave His all that we might be adopted into Your eternal family. Amen.

Note: The message is already long but let me share a burden of ministry. We see so many broken marriages and families typical of the age we live in. We are heartened by single fathers seeking to be good dads for their children. But we also see a growing, inevitable phenomenon. Fathers and mothers who really just walk away from any sense of connection and responsibility and appear to have no shame.

Today's Bible text has an interesting distinction. Before scrolling down for the answer below the last photo today do you know what it is?

 Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources
"Broken Things"    Watch video on YouTube    Matthew West
"Graves Into Gardens"   Watch video on YouTube   Red Rocks Worship
The Etown Fair is happening now in Elizabethtown, PA!
Galen restoring tractor 3/2/19
Galen, along with two of his grandchildren, standing beside his tractor during the restoration project in his barn. The 1949 Minneapolis-Moline tractor has a lot of sentiment to Galen. His father, Earl, purchased this tractor in 1949, the same year Galen was born and Galen had worked on it in the fields through his childhood and his younger farming days.
(Click on photo to enlarge)
70 year old Galen with his 70 year old tractor 9/1/19
Galen standing left in the background behind his tractor with a group of admirers. This photo was taken at his 70th birthday party with his 70 year old tractor. Galen follows a long line of Martin farmers who have worked the soil. His son Darrel is in the photo and carries on for the next generation.
"Farmers Tribute: So God Made A Farmer"  Video  Here's a thoughtful oral essay by the inimitable Paul Harvey. Galen faithfully demonstrates the quintessential American farmer this describes.

John Deere tractor at Etown Fair (Nick Nickless)
Our friend Nick sent us these photos of the tractor collection at this year's Etown Fair.

Tractor at Etown Fair (Nick Nickless)
The tractor in the foreground is the real antique but the Allis-Chalmers tractor in the background is similar to the one on my Uncle's farm when I was a child. Looks like it needs some restoration work though!
* Today's verse is the final verse in the Old Testament!
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Stephen & Brooksyne
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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version.

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