✝ Daily Encouragement (1/11/24) "A Consideration Of Flooring"

Published: Thu, 01/11/24

A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation. The online Bible teaching ministry of Stephen & Brooksyne Weber.

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Thursday, January 11, 2024
Deer (photo by Doris High)
Our friend Doris High took this photo at a deer farm on a backroad not far from her home here in Lancaster County.
"A Consideration Of Flooring"
Message summary: After we put flooring in we probably tend to take it for granted, seeing it mostly as functional. Indeed, a solid floor is critically important. Just as a solid floor is crucial for a comfortable, sturdy structure, a strong and unwavering faith is essential for living in steadfastness for Christ.
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"He lined the walls of the house on the inside with boards of cedar. From the floor of the house to the walls of the ceiling, he covered them on the inside with wood, and he covered the floor of the house with boards of cypress" (1 Kings 6:15).
Ted and JoeyFor the last several days we've had Ted and Joey, a father/son team, installing flooring in our home.* Observing their work I can see it would be very hard since most of the time Ted was down on his knees (a requirement for flooring installation). As we have gotten older that's hard. His work involved getting up and down a lot which is also hard!
But Ted, who is now a grandpa, has been doing it since he was a teenager and told me he has another flooring job today and tomorrow. Like most who work hard and have a skilled trade he has no shortage of work. Today, why not offer a prayer of thanks for flooring installers!
His work prompted a consideration of flooring.
We've never lived in a place that had a dirt floor but Brooksyne recalls her grandparents, who lived on a mountain in northwest Arkansas, who had rough planks of wood floor with cracks wide enough for her grandma just swept the dirt in the cracks. No dust pan required! That may have been kind of like when you used to put your used razor blade in a slot in the back of the medicine cabinet to dispose in the wall cavity. I wonder if they ever filled up so that you couldn't cram any more in? Time to buy a new house!
I don't remember much about the flooring we had growing up though Brooksyne remembers they had hardwood flooring before the shag carpet became popular, the kind that required a carpet rake to make it stand up and impress guests. The more money you spent the longer the shag! I suppose then and now kids don't think much about flooring. I don't think my folks even thought of it as anything but the floor.
carpetThe first home we bought after we got married was a new mobile home that had orange shag carpeting, which seemed so hi-class at the time (1978). We felt like we were rich. Ted told me he sees very little shag carpeting going in these days!
At one point it was the trend to cover over real hardwood flooring with carpeting. That was a thing when carpet was new. Then a subsequent owner would discover that the worn out carpeting covered beautiful hardwood flooring and wonder why they ever covered it in the first place! Our first "real" house was a home we purchased in 1986 where we did this. Looked fine except the previous owner had spoiled pets. Instead of going to an outdoor potty they went through the carpet and stained the hardwood!
flooringNow we are putting on vinyl planks (LVP) which are waterproof and should withstand the possible pet mess, although our pets are well trained to do their business outside (with occasional accidents from our two San Diego maltipoos). We have now installed this material all though our house.
What about flooring in the Bible? Have you given that much consideration? I doubt if very many of you ever thought about it. Best as I've been able to determine they didn't have shag carpeting. (But I'm no expert of Biblical flooring.)
By far the most common reference to flooring in the Bible is the "threshing floor". See here . This was a functional floor with an agrarian purpose. The threshing floors of the Bible were outdoor stone floors, usually circular in fashion, used by farmers to process the grain of their crops. Ruth and Boaz had their first date on the threshing floor (Ruth 3).
But today's text describes the flooring in Solomon's temple, "he covered the floor of the house with boards of cypress". That must have sure been a very attractive floor and then a few verses later we read, "The floor of the house he overlaid with gold in the inner and outer rooms" (v.30) . I don't suppose too many of our readers have these kinds of floors!
After we put flooring in we'll likely take it for granted, seeing it mostly as functional. Indeed, a solid floor is critically important and not just physically. Just as a solid floor is crucial for a sturdy structure, a strong and unwavering faith is essential for living in steadfastness for Christ.
Be encouraged today, Hebrews 3:13
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber
Praying man Daily prayer:  Father, we thank you for the blessings of our shelter and specifically for our flooring. We have a variety of materials underfoot but very few of our readers have a dirt floor. We pray for the many who have inadequate housing including flooring. Today we thank you for the hard workers who install flooring and many others involved in this most important industry. On a spiritual level help us today to do our part in building and walking on a strong faith structure so that we may live a steadfast life in Christ and be an example to others. Through Christ we pray. Amen.
* Actually Joey is a college student home on break from Grove City College where he is a senior and will have a degree in history. He is also getting married this year. Of course I encouraged him to stay steadfast in his commitment to Christ. Ted is a friend we know through his wife working for JK Mechanical, a company we serve as chaplains. Over time we often get to know the employees spouses.

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources
"Threshing Floor"  Watch on YouTube    Healing Place Worship  Someone has actually written a song about the Biblical threshing floor!
We have served as chaplains at White Oak Display and Design since 2008 where we regularly see flooring displays being made.

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Stephen & Brooksyne
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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version.

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Daily Encouragement Net

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