✝ Daily Encouragement (5/17/24) "Joy-Giving Hospitality"

Published: Fri, 05/17/24

Updated: Tue, 05/21/24

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Friday, May 17, 2024

Hershey Hotel tulips (Photo by Ester)
Tulips on the grounds of the Hershey Hotel
(Photo by Ester)

"Joy-giving Hospitality"

Note: This week we have been considering several lesser known Bible characters from a portion of Scripture one Bible teacher calls "a grocery list of names".

Message summary: We encourage each of you to practice joy-giving hospitality!

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"Gaius, whose hospitality I and the whole church here enjoy, sends you his greetings" (Romans 16:23). “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).

Tomorrow we are having an "open house" for those who are interested in seeing the new addition to our home as well as the necessary changes made to our house as result of it. We are hoping some of those who had a part in the BIG project such as the those involved in the construction will come. Several neighbors and friends have also expressed curiosity, especially as they saw the work progressing over the winter months.

Though the major project was completed inJanuary we waited till now for the open house since we wanted the landscaping to look nice with new grass on the work areas and of course Brooksyne's flowers. From 2-6 in this Saturday afternoon we will be here and have light refreshments to share with those who come. If any of our readers would care to drop by you are welcome!

Hospitality "is the relationship of a host towards a guest, wherein the host receives the guest with some amount of goodwill and welcome. This includes the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers". Hebrews 13:2 instructs, "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares".

Most of the greetings in Romans 16 are from Paul to those in the Roman church. But today Paul sends greetings from a disciple named Gaius who had a hospitality ministry.

According to the daily text he and the whole church were enjoying the hospitality of one named Gaius. Another version words it "who is host to me and to the whole church" (ESV). This may suggest that the worship services were held in his home which was a common practice in the New Testament. Even now there are house churches in various parts of our country and throughout the world.

There are five different occasions Gaius is mentioned in the New Testament: first, in Acts 19:29 and Acts 20:4, where he is described as traveling with Paul and is one of the few believers that Paul baptized in Corinth (1 Corinthians 1:14). Gaius is also mentioned in 3 John 1:1 as the recipient of John's final epistle who may have been another man by the same name.

Surely Paul had an outstanding, long-term relationship with this brother, who likely was also one of the first converts to Christ in Corinth.

He had stayed faithful and now opened his home to Paul while he stayed there. Gaius had distinguished himself for his hospitality not only to Paul but to the other believers in the Corinthian church, as well.

His name means, "I am glad". Note especially the words in our text, "enjoy". Isn't that a great way for people to describe being with you? Through the years we've met quite a few people like Gaius and look forward to being with them. Just being around them uplifts us spiritually, mentally and even physically.

Sharing hospitality is a wonderful dimension of God's plan for our lives. As Christians we often call it "fellowshipping together" and we maintain that an essential component of our Christian development takes place in the realm of fellowship, as we interface with one another in our homes, churches and other places of community with true believers.

We sure hope you have some folks in your life like Gaius! Brooksyne and I have so many, including many of you who read our daily messages, that we consider ourselves tremendously blessed.  We encourage each of you to be an joy-giver to those in your circle of influence on this day and every day!

Be encouraged today, Hebrews 3:13

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Daily prayer:  Father, we want to be set apart as a people who care about others, regularly expressing interest in them as we follow the Biblical mandate that each of us should look not only to our own interests, but also to the interests of others. Paul charged his readers to have the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus who is the supreme example of putting other's needs before His own. May we be more interested in sharing joy with others than taking it for ourselves, for when we refresh others, we ourselves are refreshed. We are replenished as we give to others, for Your reservoir never runs dry and we thank You for it in Jesus' name. Amen.

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"The Jesus Way"  Watch on YouTube   Phil Wickham

"Nearing Home"  Watch on YouTube   Selah  (Brooksyne's note: I heard this song for the first time last night and really enjoyed the arrangement, lyrics and message contained in this ballad style song based upon the last book Graham wrote, "Nearing Home".  While Billy Graham  (honored in this song) is not an "unknown" like the Bible characters we have been writing about this past week, I do believe his name would have been included in the Bible if he had been an evangelist during that time period. I dedicate "Nearing Home' sung and written by the pianist and producer of Selah to several of our readers who have told us of their conversion to Christ due to the ministry of Billy Graham, as this song is sure to warm your hearts. How we need to see God raise up another Billy Graham, Billy Sunday, D.L. Moody or others like them who brought people to Christ by the millions over the centuries.

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Stephen & Brooksyne

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