✝ Daily Encouragement (4/11/24) "Walking In Newness Of Life"

Published: Thu, 04/11/24

A daily, Bible-based perspective of hope, encouragement and exhortation. The online Bible teaching ministry of Stephen & Brooksyne Weber.

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Thursday, April 11, 2024
Budding leaf
During our bike ride on Tuesday on the Schuylkill River Trail there were buds in many of the trees, evidence of new life. I don't know what this tree is, but it presented a bright airy cluster of flowers as the bud recently opened.
"Walking In Newness Of Life"
Message summary: Our prayer for each reader and for ourselves: Lord, help us today to rejoice and give thanks for the new life you have given us!
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“And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all” (Acts 4:33). “Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4).
Baby chicks
Sadie is a teacher at one of our local Amish schools. For an Easter gift she gave each of her 30 plus students a baby chick. These Rhode Island Red day-old chicks , which are brown egg layers, were delivered by mail. That must have been a fairly noisy package to deliver and an exciting time for Sadie's students to each take home a baby chick.
Today let us consider new life. We see it all around us; the greening fields, the young animals romping through the pasture though not too far from their moms, and even the unpleasant odor of manure as farmers begin spreading this ever abounding, renewable fertilizer resource!

Cow and calfEarly this morning Brooksyne was running an errand and took a photo of this cow with her calf in a pasture next to an Amish school not too far from our house. We also have an Amish school just up the road from us where Brooksyne visits now and then, taking treats to the children and then getting a treat in return from the students as they sing a hymn for her. On Good Friday they sang "It is Finished" and it had a tremendous salvation message in the lyrics.
Spring is a season of new life and what a powerful reminder it is today of God’s call for all who follow Christ to “walk in newness of life”.
Our first daily text describes church life shortly after Christ ascended. The church was newly birthed and filled with zealous believers: “And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all". It was all so new and exciting!

But new can become old and a greater challenge emerges both for individuals and churches. How do you keep it new and fresh when it’s “old”?

I want to focus on a single phrase in the second daily Scripture portion. “So we too might walk in newness of life". The apostle Paul is writing and by now is well along in his life as a Christian believer. Many years have passed since he was dramatically converted on the road to Damascus and he began his new walk with Christ. The major transformation that began that day initiated his growing journey of faith and active service for the Lord. But for him it was no longer new. That’s a healthy peril of staying faithful. One hymn writer refers to the gospel as the “old, old story” that he never gets weary of hearing or telling others about.

The Father sent Jesus that we might have abundant life now and eternal life in the hereafter. One of the great teachings of Christ was his declaration prior to His death, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).

Christ died for our sins and was indeed raised from the dead through the glory of the Father and He has ordained a new life for His redeemed children. The apostle Paul uses the 1st person plural indicating that this was a very personal experience for him, not merely an injunction to his readers. The sense of this “new life” is active and ongoing.  The Amplified Bible expresses it “so that we too may habitually live and behave in newness of life".

Genuine conversion leads to a new life! The verb for live or walk is in the present tense. There is a tendency to see the “new life” as the time that immediately follows our conversion to Christ and it is indeed a real joy to experience this phase. But I accepted Christ over 50 years ago, some of you long before that, and others more recently. We may feel this “newness of life” stage is long past. O, how we are mistaken!

Let us consider these words from the apostle Paul, who is surely very mature in his walk at this time. He speaks of living (present tense) in newness of life.  So whether we are a new Christian or a seasoned veteran let us hear these words and let us live this day in newness of life! My prayer for each reader and for myself: Lord, help us today to rejoice and give thanks for the new life you have given us!
Be encouraged today, Hebrews 3:13
Stephen & Brooksyne Weber
Praying man Daily prayer: Father, as we embrace the cross of Calvary and apply Christ’s redemptive blood to our hearts we find newness of life. We are no longer bound by the chains that fettered us to sin. What great liberty and boundless joy to know that our names are written down in heaven. If we set our hearts on this world, or declare allegiance to those things which have no eternal merit, we will wear down and lose the joy that comes with newness of life. But as we set our hopes and joys on serving Christ, the joy of our salvation is ongoing, uplifting, and a testimony to all who seek answers that this world cannot provide. Like the early apostles may we give testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Thank You for raising Christ from the dead so that we can be redeemed and walk in newness of life everyday! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources
"Bring Back the New Again"   Watch on YouTube  Gordon Jensen
Horses on Trout Run Road
I was bicycling on Trout Run Road but had to stop to take in the serene view and wanted to capture it for you as well.
Click on photo to enlarge
Brubaker Farms sheep
These sheep and lambs are on the Brubaker farm along Gibble Road which is just up the road from Trout Run Road.
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Sprayer on Grandview Road
We followed this sprayer on Tuesday morning on Grandview Road on our way to Lebanon County. How many of our readers drive in this type of traffic!
Amish farm
Amish farm on Harvest Road
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Sprayer on Grandview RoadAmish farm
Another Amish farm on Harvest Road
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Horses and Amish school
I (Brooksyne) enjoy passing this Amish school on Harrisburg Avenue about a mile from our house. I often envision what it would be like to walk on the long rural lane leading to school everyday. It's such a start contrast to the public school setting today or even in our day. The cow and calf photo we feature today was taken in the grove of trees on the left.
Click on photo to enlarge
Kleen-Rite friends, Joe and Joe
This morning I went out for breakfast with my neighbor Jerry and before we went in to eat I visited a few minutes with two Kleen-Rite friends, Joe and Joe who both specialize in selling towels for the car wash industry marketed as Towels by Dr. Joe. They were a part of a Bible study being held in the restaurant.
My neighbor Jerry, who is my age and now retired, hauled eggs for Kreider Farms. For many years he drove into New York City twice a week with a load of 27,000 dozen eggs each load (that's 324,000 eggs). He remembered when all he had was a piece of paper with the address and still managed to get to the right location (long before GPS).
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Stephen & Brooksyne
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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version.

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Daily Encouragement Net

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