Ross Haven Bible Camp NEWS!

Published: Tue, 06/16/20

A drawing of a cartoon character

Description automatically generated Hey Camper Families!

As the days are getting longer and warmer, I’m sure that you, like me, are yearning for camp.  It is really strange for me to walk around the camp and not hear the happy noises of campers all around me.  Well, there is nothing I can do about the fact that the government won’t let us run sleep-away camps this summer, but I do have some news that might help!
Even though we can’t be together this summer, starting July 6th we are putting on three different weeks of online camp this summer.  We call it Camp Canada!  This is a camp that includes people from our camps all across the country, but your cabin group and your cabin group leader will all be from Ross Haven Bible Camp.  That way if you get to make new friends this summer at Camp Canada, you will have the opportunity to meet and camp together in person next summer. 
We hope you will want to sign up.  Once you do, you will get a link to download our very own MyCamp app. This platform is completely secure and fully moderated by our staff so it is a very safe space to hang out, make friends and enjoy some great spiritual input through nationwide events and cabin time with your leader and cabin group.  We will also give you lots of cool camp things to do through the days.  You can sign up for 1 week or for all three, it’s up to you.  If you and your friends want to attend together, make sure you all pick the same week and you can all be in the same cabin group too!
Here is the link to sign up

A close up of a sign

Description automatically generated Once you sign up.  A couple of days before your week starts you will receive the download link for the app which you can get from the Apple or Android store.  You will also get an email with your own special code to access the National Events and the cabin time events for the week you have registered for.

You will be able to contact your other cabin mates and ask questions about the Bible lessons which your leader or the camp director can answer privately or in a group setting.
We are really excited about Camp Canada.  It isn’t as good as real camp, but it will help keep us connected until we can do on-site camp again.  I hope to see you sing up soon!

Mr. Greg
Camp Director