GRA Articles Update - WEEKEND changes PLEASE READ

Published: Sat, 01/20/24

As a reminder, this weekend is when we change our out-bound email address.
This should be the last message you get from [email protected] for specific articles.
Ideally (if our tech team does it right, i.e. Me!) Starting tonight, the articles will come from [email protected]

Other business related messages may come from either account, and payment requests will still come from [email protected]
You are able to contact us at any of those accounts.

Please make sure the address is 'white listed' in your spam filters.
As noted earlier, this change to a domain-based address is to implement best practice in mass email distribution in order to prevent our messages from being filtered out as spam.

the GRA Team

2131 N Collins Ste 433-721
Arlington TX 76011

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