Time is up!

Published: Fri, 12/24/21

This is your last chance to score 15% off in 2022.

It applies to EVERY service that I offer.

Including bespoke consulting.

Don't look at the clock.

Don't wonder if you should do it.

You should; if it's right, it's right. And that feeling is YES.

But if you don't hit reply right now and book yourself in, you'll miss out.

Make your 2022 the best year you've ever had.

Are you in?

xx Leticia "pushes you towards the winner's circle" Mooney

PS. If you're wondering why on earth you'd do this, I'll tell you:
Literally every customer I've ever had gushes about their engagement. The ABC's department for International Development were ecstatic when I reimagined their brief to "edit" a poster about court reporting in the Samoan Islands. (You can see that here.) The University of South Australia's PhD candidates had their minds blown, over and over again, while learning about the writing mindgame (and why they were struggling to write) - and they're only the latest batch (engineers in other unis know it well!). Consultants, investors, QCs, entrepreneurs and changemakers of all stripes have gained new ways of thinking about their communications, content operations, and content mathematics, and found new ways to solve their (often intractable) issues. You can read reviews here. But to be honest, the best way to handle your content projects is just to bite the bullet and do it. It might be the best money you've ever spent.

PPS. If you're never going to buy anything, then at the very least share this list with everyone you know so that I can reach everyone who needs help. If you're just a reader, it's the least you can do. Reciprocation is a law of earth. (There is no soil without fallen leaves, etc.) The link to share is https://brutalpixie.com/daily-tips-email. It would be the most amazing Christmas gift for me, and I'd deeply appreciate it.