your emails will change in 2022

Published: Tue, 12/28/21

From the friendly caves of Pixie Hollow.

Hey , happy new year. (I'm getting in early.)

If your name didn't appear above, here's how to fix it: Go to the bottom of this email and click 'change subscriber options', and then make sure your record is complete.

It's nicer when I can address you by name. 

Just wanted to flag with you that your emails are going to change a bit in 2022, and give you an early doorway in case you want out now.

I'm also going to go quiet for a couple more days before then, just to have a break. :)

Here's why the emails are changing:

I've been beating a dead horse for a while, so the "tips" promise is disappearing.

The thing about "content" these days makes me want to vomit. I'm not even in the content strategy scene any more, so I'm getting out while the getting out is good.

I'm just going to write to you every day instead.

The topics will be as entertaining and incisive as ever, but they'll centre on just three loci:
  1. the training/mentoring I provide (typically writer-centric entrepreneurialism and mind games)
  2. working with a ghostwriter to build thought leadership in your communities
  3. the specialist consulting I provide (which is typically a skills gap in the broad spectrum of "corporate communications").
So what's disappearing? This means that if you're looking for advice about audio, video, gaming, VR/AR, marketing, strategy (etc) is disappearing.

I almost decided to scrap the Pixie brand, too. It's old for me, it's awkward, people don't get it. But it has stickability. So... I'm not sure about that. 

Maybe you can help me out on that idea?

Please reply and tell me whether you refer to Brutal Pixie or Leticia Mooney when talking about these emails with others.

And if you want out, then you know where to find the unsubscribe button. 

Meanwhile, please accept my heartfelt and genuine wish that you have a beautiful, prosperous, healthy, and happy 2022.

best wishes
Leticia "gettin' it together" Mooney

Please let me know what I can do for you.

Leticia Mooney has spent her life handling words and communications while showing others 'the way'. She is a journalist and ghostwriter with decades of experience writing with and for individuals and brands. She dedicates her life to 'showing others the Way', which is in both a metaphorical and a literal sense. Leticia has mentored and edited tens of writers (from PhD candidates to highly successful freelancers and authors); consults to businesses in a range of areas from communications to investigations; and reads Tarot (having been trained by an Elder of the Way). She's also the mother of a rambunctious, engaging, and curious boy, who is named after a character created by J.R.R Tolkien. You can learn more about her at, and her business at

Leticia Mooney
PO Box 1190
Pasadena SA 5042
Phone/Text +61 421 925 382