The Rich Man's attitude towards business content

Published: Wed, 12/01/21

From the friendly caves of Pixie Hollow.

Business wisdom comes from the most unlikely places.

Yesterday, I went to my post office.

Actually, I ought to qualify that. I went to a post office in the next suburb over, because my local "post office" doesn't carry stamps. What.

Anyway - so I went to a real post office.

The fella behind the counter is a jovial kind of chap. We had a bit of a laugh and he gave me free chocolate to "keep me pretty".

(Who am I to complain about free chocolate, right?)

So after buying more than a hundred stamps, I stood at the tiny counter off to the side and put stamps on all of my hardcopy newsletters.

Soon after, the jovial chap walked past.

'Newsletters, eh?'

I grinned. 'You bet. Old-school.'

He rested back in one hip. 'You know,' he pointed to the pile. 'If I got one of those, I would sit down and actually read it. All those other things,' he waved towards the computers on the counter. 'Delete, delete delete.'

He pointed his finger downwards as if tapping a key while he said it. And then he softened, 'You know, unless it's family.'

I told him how, after I sent the first copies of The Visible Leader, I gained client reactivations the very day they were received.

'I believe it,' he said solemnly. 'You know, I get why people do all those other things,' waving at the computer again. 'But why can't people do both?'

And that, my friend, is your clue to riches from content.

It's the very same attitude that Troy Broussard, one of the world's most knowledgeable marketing funnel experts, has.

That attitude is that you can be a marketer, or a business person.

A marketer always and only looks for new sales.

A business person understands that new sales are mega expensive to obtain, and will serve, serve, serve, serve, serve its way to gaining repeat business from existing customers.

So if you're thinking about content from the perspective of new sales only, you are potentially leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table.

If you're scoffing right now at the 'hundreds of thousands', one of Broussard's own clients, with just 700 in a list, made over $700,000 in a month by looking at new ways to serve past clients.

The question is: How do you do this?

Well, you start with an assessment of what's possible for your business, and the opportunities that you are leaving on the table. After all, everyone is different.

Some people gain success by introducing hard copy content. Others, by changing their service culture. Still others, by blending digital, print, and service to come out with a unique, unparalleled customer experience.

The cool thing is, this is one way that I can help you.

For more information about what that looks like, book in for an initial chat with me:

~ Leticia Mooney

PS. I still publish The Visible Leader but the next edition isn't out until February.