What would you trade?

Published: Sun, 10/24/21

From the friendly caves of Pixie Hollow.

Imagine that there’s no currency for a moment. What would you trade?

How would you trade?

What place would content have in your world, if any?

This week’s Monday Muse is a thought experiment because the world is hurtling toward financial disaster; hyperinflation is about to hit us all in a big way.

The way I see it, she says, hand on chin, is this:

“Content” as the business world understand it is a requirement of the digital landscape.

This is objectively true, correct? You need it for a website, for a social platform, for an app. Content is the entire reason for those things existing, if we’re honest.

Yet the digital landscape requires capital.

Your domain costs money. Your ads cost money. Your email service costs money. Anything requiring a server costs somebody something, and those fees meander down the digital creek to your fishing spot.

So if it became unsupportable, what place does content have? Can it even persist?

How do you engage professionals to help you?

Would you engage professionals to help you?

If you had to use some other form of value exchange, what would it be?

If you’re tripping along merrily, these might seem like ridiculous questions, completely pointless.

But just to plant the seed:

A great “content” consultant can explore this with you.

For example, they’ll problem-solve every non-digital opportunity you have, and be able to help you understand the cost-benefit of each one.

They’ll demonstrate how you could rethink “reach”, “ads”, “marketing”.

They’ll pattern the pathways that enable loyalty outside of a digital footprint.

They’ll show you how to leverage the digital assets you’ve already created, how to archive them so you’ll never lose them, how to create systems that evolve rather than hit a wall.

And an exceptional content consultant will enable you to understand your funnels, sales pathways and offers through a different financial lens.

This is why I’m quite happy to arrange mutual exchanges that are non-financial as payment. If you have a farm, and you grow cattle of any kind, I’ll happily exchange my work for meat, for example.

I’m telling you this because I care about you.

Listen to the winds of the time.

Notice the patterns in the shadows beyond the sunlight.

Run the thought experiment – for yourself and for “selling” to clientele; for “employing” others. Throw mud at the wall and see what sticks.

And if you are a content consultant yourself, as some of you are, ponder how your practise would change.

Not only will you all be surprised, but you will find new ways of serving those who need your help the most.

Xx Leticia “wayshower” Mooney