Apply to present at the next CAGP National Conference

Published: Mon, 05/15/23

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The CAGP National Conference Program Committee invites you to CAGP's 30th National Conference on Strategic Philanthropy, taking place in Ottawa, ON, from April 24 - 26, 2024.


CAGP is actively seeking speakers from all backgrounds to present at our upcoming conference.


The annual conference brings together gift planners, fundraisers and professional advisors and other senior leaders to showcase all aspects of the gift planning process. Delegates share information, knowledge and ideas on strategic philanthropy and explore broader issues and trends impacting the gift planning sector.


In our effort to strengthen diversity, CAGP will treat this call for proposals as an opportunity to amplify diverse voices, share experiences, promote awareness and create a more inclusive sector. 


Our theme this year is:

Convergence of Generosity


Apply by June 30, 2023

Download the call for proposals




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