Join us in Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day

Published: Wed, 06/21/23

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We stand united in honouring and recognizing the cultural heritage and invaluable contributions of our Indigenous communities on this National Indigenous Peoples Day.


As we commemmorate this day, we must remember that the effects of residential schools continue to be felt today, impacting generations of Indigenous individuals and families. It is our collective responsibility to learn, heal, and foster understanding.


As a member of The Circle on Philanthropy, CAGP is committed to standing alongside Indigenous communities in their journey towards healing and self-determination. We recognize that true reconciliation requires acknowledging the painful past, taking concrete actions, and supporting initiatives that empower Indigenous voices and honour their cultural heritage.


Join us in honouring National Indigenous Peoples Day by participating in local events, engaging in respectful conversations and attending educational events to deepen your knowledge and appreciation of Indigenous cultures. Share stories, amplify Indigenous voices, and take action to create positive change.


14 Chamberlain Ave
Suite 201A
Ottawa ON K1S 1V9

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