Thank you for coming to the 2023 CAGP Conference

Published: Wed, 05/24/23

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Thank you again for attending CAGP's 29th National Conference on Strategic Philanthropy in Vancouver! The Conference was a huge success. We hope you enjoyed attending as much as we enjoyed hosting you. We look forward to seeing you in Ottawa in 2024 for CAGP's 30th National Conference on Strategic Philanthropy. 

Message from a few of our 2023 Conference Sponsors

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As Canada's largest charitable social enterprise, our mission is to inform, inspire, and connect donors and charities and to democratize access to effective technology and education in the charitable sector.

From donation forms to ticketed events and more, CanadaHelps offers unmatched flexibility to build your brand and grow your fundraising results. Plus, we’re here to help you establish your online presence and improve your fundraising experience with unlimited, low-cost, customizable donation forms complete with thank-you emails and automated CRA-compliant tax receipts. It’s easy to get started. Request a fundraising consultation today!

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DonorPerfect is a fundraising growth platform that enables nonprofits to raise more money and engage donors by effectively automating administrative tasks and organizing constituent data. On average, first-year customers increase their annual revenue by 25%! Learn more at


Consider Presenting at #CAGP24! 



The CAGP National Conference Program Committee invites you to CAGP's 30th National Conference on Strategic Philanthropy, taking place in Ottawa, ON, from April 24 - 26, 2024.


CAGP is actively seeking speakers from all backgrounds to present at our upcoming conference.


The annual conference brings together gift planners, fundraisers and professional advisors and other senior leaders to showcase all aspects of the gift planning process. Delegates share information, knowledge and ideas on strategic philanthropy and explore broader issues and trends impacting the gift planning sector.


In our effort to strengthen diversity, CAGP will treat this call for proposals as an opportunity to amplify diverse voices, share experiences, promote awareness and create a more inclusive sector. 


Apply by June 30, 2023


Download the call for proposals

14 Chamberlain Ave
Suite 201A
Ottawa ON K1S 1V9

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