Timely Attention Required: Support CAGP's Submission Concerning the Alternative Minimum Tax

Published: Mon, 09/18/23

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Support CAGP’s Submission Concerning the

Alternative Minimum Tax

*** Timely Attention Required ***

Dear CAGP Members, Stakeholders and Supporters,


We hope you have seen our recent submission made to the Department of Finance regarding proposed legislative amendments related to the Alternative Minimum Tax for High-Income Individuals.


CAGP believes these amendments have the potential to significantly impact transformational donations being made to registered charities in Canada – we are concerned that as much as one-third of the $11.8 billion of annual charitable giving by Canadians could be negatively impacted by these changes!


These proposed changes also run counter to the longstanding policy of the Government of Canada to support the ongoing operations of charities and qualified donees through tax policy and legislative measures that encourage private philanthropy.


CAGP’s submission to the Department of Finance includes illustrations of how these proposed amendments will disincentivize large donations, and provides comments and recommendations as to how these proposed changes could be amended to mitigate the impact on charitable giving.


We are inviting CAGP members, partners and other stakeholders from the charitable sector to assist in amplifying our message and recommendations to the Department of Finance.


At this link, find a letter of support for CAGP’s submission. If you, your CEO or another senior member of your team or board of directors wish to add your organization’s voice to this letter, please provide details and an electronic signature through this link by end of day on Thursday, September 21st. Once we forward this letter to the Department of Finance, which will include a copy of our submission, we will provide you with a copy of the final communication.


We understand this is a tight turn around, but time is of the essence. Should this present a challenge for you, or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with me at [email protected].


Thank you for your consideration, and for your attention to this important issue to preserve and protect charitable giving in Canada.


Ruth MacKenzie

President & CEO


14 Chamberlain Ave
Suite 201A
Ottawa ON K1S 1V9

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