National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Published: Thu, 09/28/23

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On September 30th, we pause to reflect, learn, and unite as we commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. 


On this important day, we remember the resilience, strength, and wisdom of Indigenous communities across our nation. We honour their heritage, culture, and stories that have shaped our country for millennia.


It's also a time to acknowledge the ongoing journey towards reconciliation, a path that calls upon all of us to actively listen, learn, and take meaningful action.


Today, we encourage you to consider supporting the One Day's Pay Campaign and give one day’s pay, or whatever you can, to support Indigenous-led projects, movements, organizations and nations in their important work. 


At CAGP, we honour the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with a day off for our staff team, who are encouraged to both reflect on and participate in local commemorative events. 


Education is key to understanding, empathy, and unity. Let's educate ourselves about Indigenous peoples’ history and experiences, and amplify their voices.


Together, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and just future. Let's ensure that Truth and Reconciliation is not just a day, but a lifelong commitment.


14 Chamberlain Ave
Suite 201A
Ottawa ON K1S 1V9

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