Your eNews for August 2023

Published: Thu, 08/17/23

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Will Power - Support Both (Animals)

The CAGP Foundation and the Canadian Association of Gift Planners are proud to launch the third annual Will Power campaign on September 1st. 


We’ve accomplished so much already, encouraging Canadians to use their Wills as an opportunity for meaningful charitable giving. Canadians are eager to make an impact and leave a legacy for those who come after. And, thanks to Will Power, 2.7M Canadians are now considering a gift in their Will. 


This year we’re pushing even deeper — testing new audiences, refining our message, and offering new ways for Canadians to take action.


We hope you’ll follow-along, and as always, we extend our deepest wishes to our 550 charity and advisor partners for your ongoing success in the campaign. Thank you all for being part of this progressive community, opening up more resources for social good and changing so many lives.


Join the community! Sign up to learn more about Will Power and receive alerts for upcoming sessions.



Are you new to gift planning and wanting to learn the basics?


Are you an executive director or board member who is interested in starting a gift planning program at your charity but need to learn more before ‘jumping in’?


Are you a notary, accountant or financial planner and would like to better serve your high net worth clients by learning how to help them achieve their philanthropic goals in a strategic way?


Or, perhaps you want to add some gift planning ‘tools and techniques’ to support your donors in expanding and enhancing their philanthropy.


If so, this course might be exactly what you need.


Our comprehensive Q&A guide offers valuable insights into course content, learning outcomes, benefits, and more!


Dates: Tuesday, October 17 & Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Times: 9:00 am - 1:30 pm Pacific Time


Presenter: Paul Nazareth, MFA-P, CAGP

Cost (tax-exempt): CAGP Members: $450 / Non-members: $500

Topics include:

  • Current philanthropic trends and tax issues

  • Some common types of planned gifts in Canada

  • How to introduce and discuss planned gifts with your donors

  • ... and more!


Click here to view the agenda

Full participation in Gift Planning Fundamentals Online is applicable for 7 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification. Remember! As a CAGP member, you receive a 20% discount off of your CFRE certification or recertification!

MFA-P  This course offers 7 hours credit for MFA-P re-certification.


Techniques fondamentales de dons planifiés

(course in French)

In Montreal, Quebec

Date: November 16th, 2023 - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET
Location: Le Nouvel Hôtel - 1740 Rene-Levesque West, Montreal, QC, H3H 1R3
Presenters: Claude Lestage and  Francine Cardinal, LL.B, MBA
Cost: CAGP Members: $500 / Non-members: $550 (plus tax)


Click here to view the full agenda (in French)

Click here to read the Q&A (in French)

Full participation in Gift Planning Fundamentals is applicable for 7 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification. Remember! As a CAGP member, you receive a 20% discount off of your CFRE certification or recertification!

MFA-P  This course offers 7 hours credit for MFA-P re-certification.



Bequest Administration Essentials

A deep-dive for charity professionals


Gifts from Estates are an increasingly important source of revenue for charities – and also subject to far more stringent legal and financial oversight than gifts from a living individual. Is your charity receiving gifts from Estates? From acceptance & acknowledgment to account review, releases and receipting, this course will cover how to manage your program and stay on the right side of the law & tax rules. We’ll also delve into how to handle delicate conversations with executors, lawyers, family, loved ones, and the important role of recognition for these special gifts, as well as explore future trends and emerging issues like the growing source of bequests from donor-advised foundations.


Four sessions; each session is 2.5 hours.

Dates: September 14 & 21 and October 5 & 12, 2023

Times: 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET each session

Click here to view the full agenda

Presenters: Jasmine Sweatman, B.A., J.D., LL.M., TEP., C.S., EPC, CPCA; Michelle Osborne, CFRE;  Christie Geen-Difede .

Cost: CAGP Members $750
Non-members $850 (plus tax)


Registration deadline: September 7, 2023

Full participation in Bequest Administration Essentials is applicable for 10 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification. Remember! As a CAGP member, you receive a 20% discount off of your CFRE certification or recertification!

MFA-P  Full participation in Bequest Administration Essentials is applicable for a maximum of 10 hours towards MFA-P recertification.


Important Reminder: Membership Fee Increase on September 1st

We would like to take this opportunity to remind all members that our membership fees will be increasing as of September 1, 2023.


Special Offer: If your membership expires before November 30th, renew by August 31st at the current rates! 

Member Benefit News: Please note that the 2023 edition of Planned Giving for Canadians will be available this fall! The non-member price on this book is $125 – available to you as part of your membership at no extra cost.


To read more about the membership fee increase, please visit our website.


We thank you for your continued membership and your support of CAGP!



New Trust Reporting Rules Coming!

The Federal Department of Finance has introduced new trust reporting rules to prevent inappropriate tax avoidance using trusts. These rules will come into effect at the end of 2023 and require trusts to report on their settlors, beneficiaries, and trustees, filing T3 information returns from spring 2024. The rules explicitly exempt trusts that are registered charities, but they are silent on trusts held within registered charities.


The concern in the charitable sector is that these rules may apply to trusts held within registered charities, even though they are exempt. Some large charities with numerous funds that may be trusts will need to examine each fund to determine if it falls under the trust reporting rules.


 Our partners at Miller Thomson delve deeper into these concerns in this article.



Considering Pursuing Your CFRE Credential? Lena Balkaran, CFRE, has Advice for You

So far 2023 has proven to be a pivotal year for Lena Balkaran, CFRE. She became a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) on May 13, 2023. While she had considered earning the credential for a number of years, she made it happen after putting it in her 2023 SMART goals at work. 


About two weeks after achieving certification, she began a new job as Associate Director, Philanthropy in the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at Trinity College, University of Toronto.


Lena has invested heavily in her professional development since entering the field in 2008. In 2021, she became a CAGP member.


In this article, she shares how she reached her goal of becoming a CFRE with advice for anyone looking to get started.


October 1 CFRE Application Deadline is Nearly Here

The final 2023 Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) application deadline is quickly approaching.


If it’s your goal to become a CFRE in 2023, plan to submit your application by October 1st.


Have use-it-or-lose-it professional development funds expiring at the end of the year? Speak to your boss now about putting them towards your CFRE application fee.

Don’t forget that CAGP members save 20% off the cost of CFRE initial certification and recertification.


Make 2023 the year you become a CFRE!  Learn more




The following CAGP Member has achieved the designation of Master Financial Advisor - Philanthropy (MFA-P™) and is ready to aid donors and collaborate with charities to create strategic gifts:


- Nicole Beaulieu


14 Chamberlain Ave
Suite 201A
Ottawa ON K1S 1V9

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