CAGP-ACPDP eNews, product, sector news and education around Gift Planning and strategic philanthropy in Canada.

Date limite : Volonté de faire

Published: Thu, 05/04/23

Rejoignez cette communauté formidable Afficher cet e-mail dans votre navigateur Avez-vous pensé à devenir partenaire de Volonté de faire? Nous nous…

Deadline for Will Power

Published: Thu, 05/04/23

Join this mighty community of charities and advisors View email in your browser Have you been thinking about becoming a Will Power partner? Well, we’d…

Your Voice Matters: CAGP 2023 Member Survey

Published: Tue, 05/02/23

View email in your browser Dear, 2023 is a strategic planning year and your voice matters! As part of the strategic planning process, we are seeking…

Votre eNouvelles de avril 2023

Published: Thu, 04/27/23

Afficher cet e-mail dans votre navigateur Le congrès de 2023 a connu un succès RETENTISSANT! Quel merveilleu rassemblement nous avons eu À GUICHETS…

Your eNews for April 2023

Published: Thu, 04/27/23

View email in your browser The 2023 Conference was a HUGE SUCCESS! What an e cellent SOLD OUT conference we had in Vancouver last week! We are so…

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