Florencia Djoe Design

Your Child With Autism Online Event

Questions to help you!

Published: Fri, 02/12/21

Hi From the last 21 days summit survey, I see that you have asked for help in communication, behavior and sensory issues. That is why I am hosting a…

Happy Holiday !

Published: Thu, 12/24/20

Hey, Happy Holidays... Wishing you a bright, joyful and prosperous 2021! With Love and Gratitude, Florencia Djoe Founder, Your Child with Autism…

Did you see this ?

Published: Wed, 12/23/20

Dear, Did you enjoy the Your Child with Autism Summit? Imagine being able to get lifetime access to selected interviews from the series for $47!…

Exclusive Holiday Offer

Published: Tue, 12/22/20

Dear, Did you enjoy the Your Child with Autism Summit? Imagine being able to get lifetime access to selected interviews from the series for $47!…

Help me to help you!

Published: Sat, 11/14/20

Thank you to everyone who has filled out the survey so far! If you haven't, can you do me a quick favor? Many of you are searching for information to…

Can you do me a favor?

Published: Fri, 11/13/20

Hey ! Can you do me a quick favor? Many of you are searching for information to help your child become more empowered and connected. To do that, I…

Welcome to Day 21 of Your Child With Autism

Published: Sun, 11/08/20

Hi ! Welcome to Day 21 of Your Child With Autism: How to Connect and Empower Your Child to Create a Life of Peace, Harmony and Freedom Today, we learn…

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