🥧 A little taster

Published: Mon, 11/22/21

Hi there ,

Developing an email campaign that actually converts is all about understanding 
different types of copy, from headings, through paragraphs and text blocks.

People will not read any further than your first two - three lines if your copy:

   Lacks  a good, easy to read layout 
➭  The subject's continuity is missing from the start
➭  Something just "doesn't look right"
  ➭  There's loads of spelling or grammatical errors

... and that's just to name a few of the glaring mistakes people make!

Do you know, even images should be designed with the purpose in mind for when
it's time to publish or send out your emails.

➭  Here's a little, but very Important Tip: 
        If you are using an image - make sure there are captions beneath it so your
        reader knows what they're looking at  -  you don't want to stop them reading
        your email because they're "Googling" an image to see what it's all about -
        they'll probably get sidetracked and never return! 

The above is a little taster of what you can expect to learn on the Live in 2 hrs. time -
plus a whole lot more

Think it worth spending a hour watching it?

I hope so, your email campaign / broadcast hangs in the balance.

To your success, 


Make Money Online / Internet Marketing
Traffic Dominator & OLSP Mentor
