😮 what do you do when 1 lead per day becomes 1 lead per minute?

Published: Sun, 10/15/23

Would you believe that there is such a thing as TOO MANY leads?

Probably not as this is something most people don't think about
as they've never had it happen to them ...

... but when you wake up to an inbox flooded with leads -
it's normal to think you've been hacked! 

You perform a few checks ... and realise This IS FOR REAL!

How are you going to cope with all these leads?  

Do you know how YOU would handle it?

If the answer is NO - you'll want to find out how she got the leads -
AND - how she handled it ... 

... because you never know when this can happen to you!


P.S.  This is a special Replay which is only available for 24 hrs! 

Great Expectations
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Suton Norfolk NR18 9SJ

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