❓️ want to discover specific skills for building your list?

Published: Mon, 11/27/23

I guess, from the very first time you started building your email list, that you've heard this "formula" many, many times ...

➣  Get traffic.
➣  Build a list
➣  Send emails ... 

It sounds so easy doesn't it?

But let me tell you - building a list is HARD! 

How do you know ...

➣  Which traffic sources to use?
➣  What emails to write?
➣  What offers to promote? ...

...and above all ... what specific skills you need to learn!


I'm not surprised that you don't know about them  - we term them "The Hidden Skills" ...

... because nobody wants to tell you about them ... except US!  

If you want to know what they are - you'll have to attend our LIVE tonight at 7pm GMT  [2pm EST]

See you there!


Great Expectations
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Suton Norfolk NR18 9SJ

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