The Strangest Way To Make Solo Ads Work For You ...

Published: Wed, 12/09/20

Hey there ,

How many times have you thought - Why don't solo ads work for me?

The thing is solo ads do work -  but you have to be different ...

Imagine this -

A vendor has a list of 20,000 subscribers ...

Every single day these subscribers are getting emails telling them that program A is going to work, or program B
is the next best thing since sliced bread ...

... Every - single - day!

Sure solo ads work, by optimising the offers and showing the subscriber what they want - at the right time ...
or maybe they are brand new on the vendors list - no matter, all too often these subscribers becomes brainwashed
to opt in, they read the emails but NEVER actually purchase anything!

So what needs to happen? ... 

Remove them completely from this ongoing cycle!

Think about it, I know you're on email lists ... because you're on mine! 

You see things come into your inbox, you open some, you click some - but most of them you ignore right?

We ALL do that!

... and people on YOUR lists do that too!

Well how about moving them away from email  - and moving them into something that has a 100% open rate???


and no - 
It is not chat bots ...
It is not some funky email method ...
It is not push notifications ... or any of that.

I pretty much guarantee that this is nothing you have even thought about ... and it works!

PLEASE NOTE: This special training tonight (9th Dec) at 8 pm (GMT)  IS A 1 OFF! 

You HAVE to be on this - it will NEVER be repeated, recorded, replayed or on a Live - GUARANTEED! 

... reserve your slot now for training TONIGHT at 8PM GMT

Always searching for innovative ideas that actually work for you!

Traffic Dominator & OLSP Mentor

PS. Forgot to mention - here's an incentive for you - you also have a chance of getting a share of up
      to 5000 USD BUT you HAVE to be on the live to see how !