Did You Work Out Today?

Published: Fri, 01/07/22

Hi Every One!

A couple of weeks ago Tim and I talked about the failure rate of the new year's resolutions, the importance of not wasting time, and how to focus on doing SHITT that works.
(If you have not read that email yet, you can find it here.)

One of the most common new year's resolutions is that of hitting the gym, or starting some sort of a home fitness program that involves expensive equipment.

While both of the above are better than nothing (at least short-term), they do have significant drawbacks in the long-run, making them pretty large contributors to the failure rate of the new year's resolutions practice.
More often than not, one stops going to the gym due to various reasons such as injuries, time constraints, or feeling overwhelmed.  As far as the expensive equipment goes, one either decides not to purchase it, or even worse, they purchase it and end up using it just as home decor.

You don't have to go to the gym and you don't need over-priced equipment.  You have everything you need right there.

Did you know that the equipment used for body-weight training is considered the ultimate resistance training machine?  It has 700 muscles, 206 bones, it automatically protects itself through proprioception, it automatically adjusts to increasing strength levels, and it has unlimited configurations.  Yes, your body is the ultimate equipment. :-)

Body-weight training is simply "moving your body through space", as opposed to moving a tool or an instrument.  This movement in and of itself switches on connections between your brain and body, and provides significantly higher feedback to both your brain and body -- compared to lifting a weight with your arms.  The science journals say: Neuro-muscular activation is highest during exercises that move the body
What we know for sure is that this full body connection is key to mental health. Yes, body-weight training can give you clarity, increase your creativity and make you smarter. :-)

One of the main purposes of our core muscles is to work as a unit, contract at the same time, and across joints, in order to stabilize the spine. Therefore, some of the best core exercises are body-weight movements.  Yes, body-weight training can be great core strengthening.

So be smart, and train smart.

If you don't already have a routine, or you want to change things up, start by doing the following.
First thing in the morning do this routine

You know the drill, make sure you check with your medical professional, don't do anythings that hurts and use common sense.

If you are not sure what to do and would like our help, we are here. You can purchase a set of online personal training sessions, Ayurveda_Fit,  and use them as often as you need to.  We meet with you online and in private.  We work with your schedule and location.

Always remember: "You can't get the butt you want by sitting on the butt you have."

Until next time...  Much much love from both of us!

Na’maste Kala! (Which in Greek means, may we all be well!)

-Tim and Vie | Ayurveda Outlaws