‘The cost of living crisis leaves no space for kindness’ 20 July - Conwy Business Centre

Published: Fri, 06/24/22

Cynhadledd Flynyddol Mudiad 2025 – 20 Gorffennaf 2022 – Canolfan Busnes Conwy

‘Nid yw’r argyfwng costau byw yn gadael lle i garedigrwydd’

Mae’r argyfwng costau byw yn dilyn y pandemig yn golygu bod anghydraddoldebau iechyd yn parhau i ehangu’n sylweddol.
Rydym yn byw mewn cyfnod digynsail, gyda mwy a mwy o bobl yn profi trawma oherwydd pwysau iechyd ac ariannol heddiw nag erioed o’r blaen.
Sut gallwn ni weithio’n well gyda’n gilydd i liniaru a lleihau’r trawma hwn a chreu lle ar gyfer sefydliadau a chymunedau mwy caredig a mwy cydymdeimladol wrth i ni weithio i fynd i’r afael â’r argyfwng costau byw i’r rhai rydym yn eu gwasanaethu?
Yng nghynhadledd gyntaf Mudiad 2025 ers i’r pandemig daro yn 2020, byddwn yn archwilio’r her a yw’r argyfwng costau byw yn gadael lle i garedigrwydd.

Gobeithiwn y gallwch ymuno â ni.   


Clare Budden, 2025 / CEO - ClwydAlyn 
Vicky Jones - Profiadau Niweidiol Plentyndod
Ceriann Tunnah - Lechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru
Tegan Brierley - Prifysgol Glyndwr Wrecsam
(Mwy o siaradwyr i'w cadarnhau)

 2025 Movement Annual Conference – 20 July 2022 – Conwy Business Centre 
 ‘The cost of living crisis leaves no space for kindness’
The cost of living crisis following the pandemic means that health inequalities are continuing to widen significantly. 
We are living in unprecedented times, with more and more people experiencing trauma from health and financial pressures now than ever before. 
How can we work better together to mitigate and minimise this trauma and create the space for kinder and more compassionate organisations and communities as we all work to tackle the cost of living crisis for those we serve? 
In the first 2025 Movement conference since the pandemic hit in 2020, we’ll be exploring the challenge of whether the cost of living crisis leaves space for kindness. 


Clare Budden, Chair of 2025 and CEO of ClwydAlyn 
Vicky Jones, Deputy Leader, ACE Hub Wales
Ceriann Tunnah, Consultant in Public Health, Public Health Wales
Tegan Brierley, Graduate Teaching Assistant and PhD student, Wrexham Glyndwr University ​
More speakers to be confirmed shortly.

As well as hearing from our speakers and having a chance to ask questions and get involved in the discussion, there will also be an opportunity to explore 2025's Just Do Team priorities from the people leading this work, as well as other key work taking place across North Wales by Public Health Wales, Wrexham Glyndwr University's Civic Mission and an emerging Good Mental Health Movement. 
We hope you can join us.   (More speakers to be confirmed.)